Social media contests are a way to engage with customers and followers on social media platforms. They can be used to promote a product or service, or simply to increase brand awareness. There are many different types of social media contests, but most involve some form of voting or commenting on posts.

The role of social media contests is to engage with customers and followers on social media platforms. They can be used to promote a product or service, or simply to increase brand awareness.

  • Social media contests can help you build an email list by prompting people to enter their email addresses to participate.
  • Contestants may be more likely to provide their email addresses if they are offered a prize or other incentive for doing so.
  • You can also use social media contests to collect emails from people who are not yet followers of your brand.
  • Contests can also be used to increase the number of subscribers on your email list.

In this blog post, we will discuss 10 apps that can be used to run social media contests.

10 APPS that can be used to run social media contests

Without further ado, here are the APPs we`ve sampled for you:

1. Rafflecopter

Rafflecopter is a tool that helps businesses run online giveaways and contests. It’s a great way to build your email list, generate leads, and increase brand awareness. To use Rafflecopter, you simply create a campaign and embed it on your website or blog. visitors can enter the campaign by completing various actions, such as subscribing to your email list or following you on social media. For each action they complete, they earn entries into the contest.

The more entries they have, the greater their chances of winning. At the end of the campaign, Rafflecopter randomly selects a winner from all of the entrants. Rafflecopter makes it easy to run giveaways and contests that are engaging and effective. So if you’re looking for a new way to build your email list, give Rafflecopter a try.

2. Gleam

Gleam is a great tool for building your email database. You can use Gleam to create competitions and giveaways, which are a great way to collect email addresses from your visitors. Gleam also makes it easy to share your competitions and giveaways with your social media followers, which can help to increase the reach of your campaign.

Furthermore, you can use Gleam to create incentives for people to sign up for your email list, such as offering exclusive discounts or early access to new products. By utilizing Gleam, you can quickly and easily build up a database of emails from people who are interested in what you have to offer.

Some of the unique features that make Gleam a great choice for running social media contests

If you’re looking for a way to amp up your social media presence, running a contest is a great choice. And if you’re looking for a platform to run your contest on, Gleam is a great choice. Here are some of the unique features that make Gleam the perfect platform for running social media contests:

  • First and foremost, Gleam makes it easy to set up and run your contest. Just sign up, create your contest, and start promoting it. There’s no need to mess around with coding or deal with any technical headaches.
  • Gleam also makes it easy to customize your contest to match your brand. You can choose from a variety of templates, or create your own custom entry forms and landing pages.
  • Lastly, Gleam gives you the ability to track all your contest entries in one place. This means you can see who’s entered, how they found out about the contest, and what kind of impact the contest is having on your social media reach.

3. Wishpond

Wishpond is a land of opportunity for anyone looking to increase their email database. By offering a suite of tools designed to attract leads and convert them into subscribers, Wishpond makes it easy to turn your website visitors into email subscribers.

And with a wide range of integrations, you can use Wishpond to increase your email list no matter what platform you’re using. Best of all, Wishpond’sEmail Marketing plans start at just $10/month, making it an affordable way to grow your email list. So if you’re looking for a tool to help you increase your email database, Wishpond is definitely worth checking out.

Some of the features that make Wishpond a great choice for running social media contests

Are you looking for a way to liven up your social media accounts and engage your followers? If so, you should consider running a contest with Wishpond. Wishpond makes it easy to create and manage contests, and it offers a wide range of features to choose from. For example, you can choose to have entrants submit photos, videos, or written entries.

You can also set up voting so that your followers can help choose the winner. And if you want to increase the reach of your contest, you can use Wishpond’s built-in tools to promote it across multiple platforms. So why not give Wishpond a try? It could be just what you need to spice up your social media presence.

4. Woobox

If you’re looking for a way to add some excitement to your social media channels, then a contest is a great option. And when it comes to running contests, Woobox is a platform that has everything you need. First of all, Woobox makes it easy to create beautiful contest pages that are optimized for both desktop and mobile.

You can also choose from a variety of different contest types, including vote contests, photo contests, video contests, and more. Plus, Woobox provides all the tools you need to manage your contest and ensure that it runs smoothly. And if you need any help, their customer support team is always available to answer any questions. So if you’re looking for a great way to run a social media contest, Woobox is definitely the way to go.

5. Agorapulse

Agorapulse is a social media management tool that makes it easy to run contests and sweepstakes on your various channels. One of the great things about Agorapulse is that it gives you the ability to run multiple Contest types with ease. For example, you can run a simple poll on Twitter, or a more complex scavenger hunt on Instagram. No matter what type of contest you’re running, Agorapulse makes it easy to track entries and winners.

Additionally, Agorapulse provides detailed analytics so you can see how your contest is performing in real-time. This information is valuable for understanding what’s working well and what needs improvement for future contests. Overall, Agorapulse is an excellent tool for any brand looking to run social media contests. It’s easy to use, provides great features, and produces valuable insights.

6. ShortStack

Before we dive into the weeds, let’s answer the question everyone always asks first: what is ShortStack? In short, it’s a self-service platform that lets you design and run social media contests, sweepstakes, and other campaigns. But what makes it special? Well, for starters, it’s super easy to use. Even if you’re not a designer or developer, you can create beautiful campaigns that look great on any device.

And speaking of devices, ShortStack is also fully responsive, so your campaigns will always look great, no matter where they’re being viewed. But the best part of ShortStack is its flexibility. With just a few clicks, you can change nearly anything about your campaign…the entry form, the winners, the prize…you name it. So if you’re looking for a platform that will give you the power to run amazing social media campaigns, then ShortStack is definitely worth checking out.

7. Outgrow

Outgrow is a social media contest app that is used to increase leads and sales. It is a great choice for those who want to increase their social media following or email list. There are many features that make Outgrow a great choice for running social media contests. For one, it is easy to use and set up. You can create a contest in minutes, and there is no need for coding or design skills.

Additionally, Outgrow provides templates for different types of contests, so you can choose the one that best fits your needs. Another great feature of Outgrow is that it integrates with major email providers, so you can automatically add new leads to your email list. Finally, Outgrow offers excellent customer support, so you can be sure that your contest will run smoothly. Outgrow is a great choice for those who want to increase their social media following or email list. There are many features that make Outgrow a great choice for running social media contests.

For one, it is easy to use and set up. You can create a contest in minutes, and there is no need for coding or design skills. Additionally, Outgrow provides templates for different types of contests, so you can choose the one that best fits your needs. Another great feature of Outgrow is that it integrates with major email providers, so you can automatically add new leads to your email list.

Finally, Outgrow offers excellent customer support, so you can be sure that your contest will run smoothly. Overall, Outgrow is an excellent choice for those who want to increase their social media following or email list. The app is easy to use, provides templates for different types of contests, integrates with major email providers, and offers excellent customer support.

8. Easypromos

Easypromos is a great choice for running social media contests because it’s easy to use and it has a lot of great features. For example, you can easily create and customize your contest entry forms, make sure only eligible entrants can enter your contest, and pick random winners. Plus, Easypromos integrates with popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, so you can run your contest n multiple platforms with ease.

And the best part? Easypromos is free to use for basic contests. If you want to use some of the premium features, like adding a vote widget or running a hashtag contest, there is a small fee. But overall, Easypromos is a great choice for anyone looking to run a social media contest.

9. Interact

Interact is a tool that helps businesses run social media contests. It’s simple to use and has a lot of great features, like the ability to pick random winners and announce winners on social media. Plus, it’s free to use! Interact is a great choice for businesses who want to run social media contests because it’s easy to use and it’s free. Thanks Interact!

10. Rafflepress

Rafflepress is a powerful yet easy-to-use social media contest tool that makes it simple to run Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram contests. With Rafflepress, you can quickly create beautiful contest pages that are fully customizable and responsive. Plus, Rafflepress comes with a variety of built-in features that make it a great choice for running social media contests. For example, Rafflepress includes a viral sharing feature that makes it easy for entrants to share your contest with their friends and followers. And with the Rafflepress entry form builder, you can easily create custom entry forms to collect the information you need from entrants.

Plus, Rafflepress integrates with popular email marketing platforms like MailChimp and Constant Contact, making it easy to grow your list and drive more traffic to your contest. Best of all, Rafflepress is free to use for up to 100 entries per month. So if you’re looking for an easy way to run social media contests, Rafflepress is a great option.

Other notable mentions are:

  • Woorise
  • Heyo
  • SweepWidget

Final thoughts

We hope that with this information, you will be able to choose an APP that suits your needs, based on the kind of contest you intend to run. Good riddance!