Today’s digital age has seen an overwhelming surge of powerful AI marketing tools that are revolutionizing the way businesses operate and market themselves.

From streamlining customer segmentation processes to crafting highly targeted campaigns, advertising with AI is no longer a concept for the future — it’s here today! But which tools should you use? To make things easier, in this blog post we will be taking a closer look at some of the best current AI tools available on the market so business owners can decide which ones are right for their needs.

Overview on AI Marketing Tools

AI marketing tools are invaluable for those looking to optimize their digital marketing efforts. They help marketers understand customer behavior and create campaigns tailored to the individual’s needs and preferences. AI-led segmentation allows for more targeted, personalized messaging that drives better engagement and a greater return on investment (ROI).

AI can automate many of the tedious tasks associated with data mining. For example, it can recognize patterns in vast amounts of customer data to identify potential target audiences quickly and accurately. AI can also develop detailed profiles of customers based on past interactions, purchase histories, online behaviors, demographics, and more.

By leveraging predictive analytics powered by AI, marketers can anticipate customer needs, anticipate trends in the marketplace, and create effective campaigns that generate higher ROI. They can also use natural language processing (NLP) technology to monitor sentiment across social media channels to get real-time feedback about their product or service offering. This helps them refine their message in order to keep up with evolving customer tastes and preferences.

AI marketing tools are also capable of optimizing digital ad placement by targeting specific audiences with precision. Through machine learning algorithms backed by massive amounts of data gathered through sources such as search engine queries and website visits, AI tools can identify which ads should be placed where in order to have the greatest impact on conversions. By leveraging AI-driven optimization technologies, marketers are able to drive more qualified leads while reducing wasted spending from ineffective placements.

AI enables businesses to streamline their entire marketing process by automating routine tasks such as emailing customers about discounts or offers based on past purchases or browsing history. This reduces manual labor costs while ensuring that customers receive relevant messages at the right time—adding value for both parties involved in the transaction process.

Read on to discover how these 10 AI marketing tools can help your business reach new heights!

Seventh Sense

Seventh Sense is an AI-powered marketing tool that puts customer behavior profiling at the forefront of its strategy. It helps companies build a more effective email marketing strategy by determining the best time to send emails for each contact. The platform constructs a predictive model for every single contact based on their activity, allowing you to send more personalized messages at the right time.

Using Seventh Sense, customers can increase open rates, boost engagement and drive conversions. The AI-powered platform uses machine learning algorithms to study the behaviors of customers and identify patterns in how they interact with emails. This insight helps optimize campaigns and tailor them to individual contacts.

The platform also offers deep insights into customer interactions with emails, such as open rates, clicks and even replies. It provides valuable information about who engages with promotions and when, enabling businesses to target campaigns more effectively and run more successful email marketing campaigns. By using data-driven insights, Seventh Sense helps companies make better decisions about when to send emails for maximum engagement and ROI.

The AI technology also integrates easily with other systems such as CRMs, webhooks, Zapier integrations, etc., allowing businesses to seamlessly integrate their email campaigns within existing systems. The platform’s intuitive user interface makes it easy to setup a campaign in minutes and get started quickly on connecting with customers in a more personal way through email marketing strategies tailored for each individual contact.


Phrasee is a powerful AI marketing tool that can help you optimize your brand language for maximum engagement. By using its Natural Language Generation (NLG) system, Phrasee generates millions of copy variants based on the unique voice of your brand. These copies are tailored to each customer, allowing for personalization that keeps customers engaged and coming back for more.

One of the major advantages of Phrasee is that it is an end-to-end system, meaning that the results are fed back into the prediction model which continuously learns from audiences and improves over time. This makes sure your marketing efforts remain effective as customer preferences continually shift. Additionally, this also helps marketers save time by automating the process of finding new copy variations, so they can concentrate on crafting engaging campaigns.

The platform also provides valuable data insights, such as sentiment analysis andA/B testing capabilities that help marketers hone their messaging to their exact audiences. With these features in place, marketers can better understand how their audience interacts with their content and refine their approach accordingly.

Overall, Phrasee offers an all-encompassing AI solution for creating personalized communications that resonate with customers for optimal engagement rates. Marketers who use this advanced technology can rest assured knowing that they have access to some of the most comprehensive copy generation capabilities available today – helping them create captivating campaigns without spending countless hours doing manual research or writing content from scratch.


Personalyze is a powerful AI tool that makes it easier to engage with your contacts on a more personal level. It uses an advanced algorithm to identify the top three interests of each contact, taking into account factors like time spent on pages, frequency and recency of visits. This information is then updated in real-time so you can tailor your campaigns accordingly.

In addition to this personalized approach, Personalyze also provides analytics to track the effectiveness of your campaigns. This includes metrics such as open rates, click rates, revenue generated and A/B testing results. By utilising these insights, you can adjust your strategy for maximum impact and improved returns on investment.

What’s more, getting set up with Personalyze is incredibly straightforward and requires minimal effort from you. With its intuitive user interface, you’ll be able to get up and running in no time at all. Plus the platform itself is well-designed and easy to use – even those without a technical background will be able to quickly understand it without any trouble.

It’s no wonder that companies are increasingly turning to Personalize for their marketing needs. Studies have shown that customers respond positively when targeted with relevant content based on their interests – email click rates increased by 57%, while open rates jumped by 13%. On top of that, personalizing campaigns can help brands build relationships with their customers while making sure they stay top-of-mind when they have something new or interesting to share.


Semrush is a comprehensive suite of digital marketing tools that can help businesses across industries optimize their SEO, content marketing, PPC, and social media campaigns. The Position Tracker tool is the standout feature of this AI-powered software – it allows businesses to track how their website is performing in relation to their competitors when it comes to keyword use. It provides valuable insight into how well your business is doing compared to the competition and highlights areas where you can improve.

The Content Marketing Toolkit offers a range of features for research and content creation. With insights on trending topics, businesses can craft more effective content marketing strategies with the help of Semrush. Additional features include competitor analysis tools that reveal insights from rival websites, social media management solutions to better engage audiences, and on-page SEO optimization to ensure that your website ranks higher in search engine results pages.

Semrush also has an Ad Builder feature that helps companies create ads based on their target audiences while taking into account user profiles such as location, gender, age group, and interests. This ensures that the right people are receiving your message and allows you to maximize returns on advertising investments. Additionally, there are several reporting features that allow you to monitor your campaigns’ performance over time so you can identify which ones are working best for you.

HubSpot SEO

HubSpot SEO is a powerful machine learning tool that can help you get the upper hand on rivals and improve search engine rankings. By optimizing your content around core subjects, your brand can gain visibility with leading search engines. HubSpot SEO helps you do this by discovering and ranking the topics that matter most to both your organization and customers.

The tool provides insights about competitiveness and relevance of topics, as well as metrics to help track performance. This allows for more accurate optimization of content so that it reflects what people are searching for in search engine queries. The platform also provides data to show where opportunities lie to optimize further, giving users a greater understanding of how to strengthen their content strategy.

In addition, HubSpot SEO helps you easily compare keyword frequencies and identify key phrases or words relevant to particular topics. It also enables you to identify related keywords that could be used in future content strategies. This makes it easier to stay up-to-date with trends in search engine algorithms and ensure that your brand remains visible online.

Finally, the software also offers detailed reports on performance over time which allow for better decision making for website managers regarding their SEO needs. Having this information at hand makes it easier for marketers and webmasters alike to keep up with ever-changing trends in search engine algorithms and ensure their brand’s visibility in today’s digital world.


Acrolinx is an advanced content alignment platform designed to help companies scale their brand and improve the quality of their content. Acrolinx uses state-of-the-art AI technology to analyze existing content so that it better matches the company’s desired brand voice, tone of voice, grammar, and word usage. This makes it easier to keep content consistent across multiple departments and channels.

One advantage of Acrolinx is its automated features, which can save time during the editorial process. For example, Acrolinx will score your content based on its adherence with style and grammar guidelines set by the user. It can also suggest changes to make the text more concise or consistent with a particular brand tone or message. Additionally, Acrolinx integrates with popular platforms like WordPress and Drupal for easy implementation into existing processes.

Acrolinx is aimed at enterprises, but it has been adopted by some of the world’s most recognizable organizations like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Adobe and many others. These companies have seen real value in how Acrolinx helps them create a unified voice across all channels while saving time on manual edits. The tool has even been commended as a viable way to enhance customer experience by providing customers with more accurate and well-crafted content that properly communicates their messages. All in all, Acrolinx is an effective enterprise level solution for any organization looking to create high quality content in a streamlined manner.


MarketMuse is an AI-powered tool designed to help businesses create high-quality content quickly and efficiently. It uses natural language processing (NLP) to understand a website’s content, so it can then make suggestions on how to optimize it for search engine optimization. The platform provides research-based insights, and can generate keyword recommendations, content briefs, and deep detail topics that are tailored for each website.

In terms of workflow, MarketMuse allows users to input their topic or theme into the tool, upon which it will generate a first draft based on the given criteria. This initial draft can then be improved by making changes using the built-in editor or directly in HTML, meaning users don’t need any coding knowledge to get started. The tool also provides an analysis of existing pages as well as recommendations on how to improve them.

The platform also tracks user performance through its KPIs dashboard allowing users to keep track of their progress and improvement over time. Additionally, MarketMuse integrates with Google Analytics and Adwords, enabling businesses to monitor the performance of their content in a quick and easy manner.

On top of all this, MarketMuse also offers semantic enrichment features that allow users to add more detail and context to their written pieces by including facts, statistics, quotes and other sources of information that would normally take hours or days to research manually. This makes it possible for businesses or writers to add depth and richness while still maintaining fast turnaround times on content creation projects.


LivePerson is an automated messaging and voice experience platform that is designed to manage customer conversations across various channels. The AI marketing tool enables businesses to build and distribute engaging conversations for messaging or social apps in order to convert and retain customers. LivePerson helps improve the purchase process for customers through supervised learning, which allows algorithms to be trained by labeled data from customer interactions.

The platform can be used with popular social networks like Twitter and Facebook Messenger, so companies can reach their customers all in one place. This makes it easier for businesses to provide a more comprehensive service to their clients as they can respond quickly through multiple channels at once. LivePerson also provides analytics tools, such as sentiment analysis, which allow companies to monitor trends in customer feedback and tune their messages accordingly.

Furthermore, the platform supports a range of features that enable businesses to create personalized responses that are tailored specifically for each customer’s needs. For instance, Liveperson includes Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology which helps the bot understand questions asked by users and provide relevant responses accordingly. Additionally, its machine learning algorithms use data collected from past engagements to create new models for predicting customer behavior, allowing companies to deliver better service experiences in real-time.

Overall, LivePerson is an innovative automated messaging and voice experience platform that enables companies to improve the customer journey by providing them with personalized conversation experiences tailored specifically for their needs. By leveraging supervised learning and other advanced technologies such as NLP and machine learning algorithms, businesses can take advantage of powerful tools that help them create more meaningful connections with customers while optimizing the purchase process at the same time.

Albert AI

Albert AI is an automated marketing tool that helps businesses create better, more targeted campaigns. It utilizes data from its database to identify key characteristics of potential buyers and then uses those characteristics to launch the campaign on a larger scale. This AI tool allows companies to implement their own creative content while also leveraging data-driven insights for increased efficiency and improved results.

Albert’s self-learning software is capable of analyzing large datasets in order to generate more accurate and effective campaigns. These campaigns are based on specific algorithms that determine the relevance of certain items or messages for audiences. Furthermore, it can also refine experiments with each iteration in order to optimize the performance of campaigns.

In addition, Albert can integrate with existing marketing tech stacks, allowing businesses to leverage their existing business logic while running campaigns with Albert’s AI capabilities. This allows companies to achieve greater accuracy and better ROI over time as they continue using Albert’s AI tools.

Moreover, Albert provides real-time monitoring and notifications so companies know when their campaigns are performing well or need improvement. This makes it easy for them to course-correct quickly and keep up with the changing dynamics of consumer behavior in their target markets. Moreover, its customer support team offers personalized assistance for businesses that encounter any technical issues or have questions about their campaigns.

Overall, Albert AI is a powerful tool designed to help businesses streamline their marketing efforts and maximize returns through more effective campaigns powered by automated insights provided by this AI platform. With its sophisticated algorithms and intelligent technology stack, Albert provides a great way for marketers to make the most out of their efforts without having to manually analyze massive amounts of data every time they want to launch a new campaign.


Crayon is an advanced AI marketing tool that provides invaluable insights into competitors’ activities across the web. It uses a single dashboard to monitor competitive intelligence, with access to over 100 data types monitored across more than 300 million sources. With Crayon, you can access internal and external insights quickly and easily without the need for manual research.

Crayon’s monitoring capabilities include tracking product and pricing changes, employee reviews, marketing campaigns, and much more. This makes it incredibly useful in understanding how your rivals are operating in their respective industries. Furthermore, Crayon offers a Competitive Intelligence Breakdown feature which provides detailed market analysis from various angles. It breaks down competitor activity into such categories as customer segments & trends, competition landscape, entry points of competition & strategies, pricing analysis & segmentation, and so on.

With Crayon’s vast array of features and options available, users can gain a better understanding of their competitors’ moves, allowing them to make informed decisions on where to direct their own business efforts for the highest returns possible. The AI-powered platform allows marketers to stay ahead of their competitors by predicting what they will do next before they even do it – making it an invaluable asset for companies seeking an edge over their rivals.

In Summary

The bottom line is that if you want to stay competitive in today’s market, you need to be using AI marketing tools. By utilizing these powerful tools, you will be able to save time and money while still being able to create targeted campaigns that will reach your intended audience. So what are you waiting for? Start incorporating AI into your marketing strategy today!