Ariana Huffington is a Greek-born American author, syndicated columnist, and businesswoman. She was co-founder of The Huffington Post back in 2005, and she has since built a reputation as one of the most influential voices on social media and TV.

She published her first book called “The Sleep Revolution”. It became an instant New York Times bestseller! She’s also been featured in publications such as Vogue magazine.

She will always be remembered for being brave enough to speak up about sexism in Hollywood, even though it didn’t go over well with everyone at the time.

In this blog post, we look at some famous quotes from Ariana Huffington and implement them in different aspects of our lives.

“The world is suffering from a full-blown sleep deprivation crisis. Our society’s collective lack of sleep has tangible effects on performance, health, and safety – and it poses a serious threat to the strength, stability, and continuity of our organizations.”

Have trouble focusing at work? You’re not alone! Ariana Huffington knows what she is talking about regarding the importance of sleep.

A recent study published in The Lancet medical journal suggests that not getting enough sleep could lead to cancer, heart attacks and obesity.

Ariana Huffington is right when she says that lack of sleep poses a serious threat to our organizations! But, can you imagine how much more productive your employees would be if they just got more sleep?

“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in.”

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of being in love with someone. It feels so good! And when you feel that way about another person, there’s no room for hatred or ill will.

Ariana Huffington reminds us that it’s important to be the person we want others to fall in love with. She also shares a great quote from Mignon McLaughlin: “The art of living is more like that of wrestling than of dancing, in so far as it stands face to face with an Amazon and not with a partner.” So be the person you want to be!

“We can have it all, but not at the same time. If we suffer from a scarcity mentality, we will inevitably experience a sense of envy when faced with those who seem to have it all.”

If there’s one thing Ariana Huffington is adamant about, it’s this quote. She says that women are often hard because they don’t feel like they’re doing enough.

Becoming a mother, having children to take care of, running a company … it’s all part of life! When you guilt yourself into something you’re not even sure about, the problem is. If you want to make time for your family and you feel like you can’t, then don’t.

If that’s really what you want to do, then go for it! And if that’s not what you want to do, then don’t.

“We must reclaim wisdom. It is our birth right as human beings – and we need it more than food.”

Ariana Huffington believes that wisdom can make us even better people. It doesn’t matter your age. Anything you learn counts. And if someone wants to embrace wisdom, their best resources are books and travel!

According to Ariana Huffington, it’s important not to forget where we’ve come from to help us get ahead.

“We suffer more often in imagination than we do in reality.”

This quote comes from Ariana Huffington’s many books, called “Thrive”. It’s true! I mean, our minds play tricks on us all the time, and they can cause really bad things to happen.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. If we learn to control our thoughts and mind, we can prevent a lot of pain in the future!

“Resilience is the most important quality any leader can have.”

I agree with Ariana Huffington on this 100%. I even got a tattoo recently that says “Be resilient” because it’s really important to me.

Life is full of ups and downs. But, if you can be strong after a hard time, nothing will stop you from achieving your goals!

“The essential thing in life is to fill your cup first so that you have something to offer the world.”

This quote came out of an article Ariana Huffington wrote called “How to Fill Your Cup”, and it’s so true. You can’t go around giving things to other people if you don’t have anything left for yourself!

You should love yourself first and foremost, and everything else will come naturally after that. It’s not selfish; it’s necessary.

“A leader is best when people barely know he exists when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.”

It’s always better to be a leader by example! If people respect you, then you can lead with your words. But if they don’t respect you, then your actions are what matter.

You don’t need titles to lead your people; you need to make sure that they benefit somehow.

“The less we do, the more we accomplish.”

This quote is a great reminder of why it’s important to focus on quality instead of quantity! It’s so much better when you put all your effort into one task instead of spreading yourself too thin.

“What can I do to make sure I’m genuinely happy by the time I die?”

This is a question that Ariana Huffington asks herself on an annual basis, and you should ask yourself this too! Everything in life is connected to something bigger. Your happiness is just as important as your health and wealth.

It’s not always easy to achieve it, but you should always try to get there!