On November 7, 1918, Billy Graham was born William Franklin Graham Jr. He is an evangelical Christian evangelist and the founder of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

He has been a preacher for 60 years, and he is also known as “America’s Pastor.” In 1955, he became the first religious figure to use television order to reach people who were not regular churchgoers. From 1940-1952 and 1954-1959, he conducted annual Crusades in large stadiums throughout the United States, with attendance topping out at around 300,000 per night.

In this blog post, we look at some famous quotes from Billy Graham and implement them in different aspects of our lives.

1. “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to me is more important than facts. It is more important than circumstances than failure than successes than what other people think or say or do.” – Billy Graham

Billy Graham’s quote reminds me of various aspects of life where attitude has significantly impacted. A positive, optimistic and enthusiastic approach can help us to enjoy our work more and improve our working relationships with others. It is better to look for opportunities than dwell on problems as they arise.

2. “Do your best, prepare, then trust God to do His best.” – Billy Graham

I like this quote because it is different from the traditional “Do your best, God will do the rest.” This is what I believe in. We should aim for excellence and then let go of our work unto God. He will get the glory either way if we did our part well or not. Either people will say ‘what a great thing’ or show how great our God is.

3. “There are two kinds of justice: There is the manmade code, ‘Do this and this and this, don’t do that and that and that.’ Then there is Divine justice-to each person what he deserves.” – Billy Graham

I like this quote because it is good to be aware of the two types of justice. The man-made justice system is based on certain morals and values, and we should know when we have done something against these standards. But, on the other hand, Divine justice does not depend on human standards or point of view but rather on what is deserved by the person.

4. “A lot of times preachers say, ‘Well, the Lord told me to tell you this, and if you don’t do it, you’re going to be unhappy all your life.’ But I never said anything like that because I think it’s the other way around. If you take God at his Word and act accordingly, then happiness will come your way.” – Billy Graham

I like this quote because it reminds me to take God at His Word and act accordingly. If we believe in Jesus Christ for our salvation, live by faith in Him based on our understanding of the Word of God, then certain things will work out in our lives. It may not be easy, but it will come our way if we trust God and act according to His plan.

5. “Most people would succeed in small things if they were not troubled with great ambitions.” – Billy Graham

How true is this quote! I like how simple this statement is because it gets straight to the point. Most of us will succeed in life if we focus on what we are good at and do not worry about other big things. I know it is easier said than done, but this should motivate us to excel in our tasks and achieve greatness.

6. “Nobody ever drowned in sweat.” – Billy Graham

This quote reminds me of a mutual friend, Eunice Tan. I love her quote about ‘sweat is just fat crying.’ It seems that sweat is viewed negatively, but it can be positive. If you are working out or doing an activity that needs physical labour outside your comfort zone, then it means you are pushing yourself and will reap the benefits of exercising hard.

7. “The problem is not that God’s will and mine are different; the problem is that my will and God’s may be different.” – Billy Graham

I like this quote because it makes me think about what matters in life. Sometimes, it can be easy to get caught up with our wills and desires, but we must remember it is not about us. It is all about God and His will. It is good to be confident about what we want, but we must always stay within the limits of what He wants for us. Sometimes, we may not get our way, but that is alright because He always knows what is best for us!

8. “We were born into this world because somebody wanted us to be here.” – Billy Graham

I love this quote because it brings perspective into my life. Sometimes, we may feel alone or unwanted, but people tend to forget that they were born not by accident but by someone’s thoughts and plans. Even when times get tough, we should always know in our hearts that there is a reason for our existence and everything has a purpose.

9. “I would say to any man, if you’re going to be a Christian, be prepared for persecution.” – Billy Graham

Sometimes we get this picture in our heads of what it means to be a Christian from the movies or songs, where everyone seems happy and nice. However, this is not always true in real life, and we should be prepared for persecution if we decide to follow Christ. In the end, it will only strengthen our faith when we face these times!

10. “The Holy Spirit changed me the minute I gave my life to Christ, but it’s taken forty years for God to change me from being a spunky, independent little brat to being agreeable.” – Billy Graham

I love this quote because it reminds me that I am not the same person today as 40 years ago. God has truly worked in my life and made major changes. It’s great to reflect on our lives and be thankful for God’s work in our hearts!

10 Famous Quotes by Billy Graham to Motivate You in Life