Madam CJ Walker was an African American entrepreneur in the beauty industry when it wasn’t very popular. But, with her exceptional business sense, she not only made herself incredibly successful but also helped pave the way for other women of colour who were looking to start their businesses at any point after slavery ended or with few opportunities available once they got off ships from abroad. 

Her life lessons are timeless and applicable today—especially if you’re trying to make your mark on this world by being someone special! So, the following are life-changing lessons from Madam CJ Walker to make you successful in your own life.

1. Make up your mind!

When you have a definite purpose, stick to it—don’t waver. You can have all the talent or skill in the world, but without commitment and determination, you’ll hit roadblocks. Determination is the will to put one foot forward after another until you’re standing on solid ground. Please make up your mind about what you want and then pursue it.

She’s been quoted as saying, “I once heard a man say that he would rather have a living daughter than a dead son. That statement impressed me greatly because it made me feel I had an obligation to prove the worthiness of the opportunity given to me.”

2. Make sacrifices!

If you want something, you must be willing to give up something in return. Stop looking at the things you want. Look at what it’ll take to get there. You can’t have everything, but if you’re willing to work hard and show ambition, you can go places where others won’t or simply can’t

She’s been quoted as saying, “I made up my mind that I was going to work as a laundress no longer. I was going to have a home of my own, even if I had to win it by scrubbing and sweeping floors.”

3. You can’t make a move without a plan!

Part of what makes her different from the crowd is the way she approached things—she wasn’t making any moves without first planning them out. Instead, she prepared herself to take risks that others weren’t willing to take because she mapped out her plan.

She’s been quoted as saying, “I said I would never go back to being a laundress—that I was going to work at making beauty products for coloured women by coloured women. And if it took every bit of money I had, I was going to make it work.”

4. Start right where you are!

You don’t have to be in an ideal position to start—we all have to start somewhere. So, stop looking for the perfect situation and take what you’ve got because if you never try, you’ll never know what you’re truly capable of doing.

She’s been quoted as saying, “I had the right to sell my rich and wonderful products and help other women and men to do the same, no matter where I started from.”

5. Don’t be afraid to risk it all!

There comes a time when you have to take a chance on something—and even if you fail, at least you’ll be able to say that it was worth a shot. What’s appealing about her story is that she never gave up, and because of this, she achieved an extraordinary amount of success.

She’s been quoted as saying, “I started my own business on a few dollars borrowed on a home that I could ill afford to lose.”

6. Your success is your decision!

It doesn’t matter if you’re born into an affluent family or come from nothing. Our lives are dictated by the decisions we make. So if you want to be successful, become self-reliant and work towards making it happen! Don’t expect someone to hand it to you— make it happen for yourself.

She’s been quoted as saying, “I had made up my mind that I was going to take this chance; if I failed, I would try something else.”

7. You must believe it!

You can’t be afraid of failure or success—you have to believe in yourself. You can’t allow your fear to get in the way of achieving what you truly desire—you’ve got to believe that it’ll happen, even when others don’t.

She’s been quoted as saying, “My good fortune was not due merely to chance; it was the reward of hard work and faith in myself.”

8. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Everyone needs a little support from time to time—sometimes it’s the difference between achieving what you’ve set out to do and giving up. If you can’t get someone who will help you, reach out to them yourself. Don’t struggle alone when people are willing to help- take advantage of what you have!

She’s been quoted as saying, “I wanted a chance to prove my business skills and ability, but I had no capital.”

9. You can be your boss!

Don’t settle for anything less than what you want—especially if it means spending the rest of your life doing things someone else wants you to instead of running your own business. Madam Walker was able to pursue her passion because she ran her own company—and that’s something that anyone can do!

She’s been quoted as saying, “Those who are not willing to do the common things in life, now and again, will have to do the uncommon things.”

10. Keep on fighting!

Everyone runs into problems—and you can’t let it defeat you. You’ve got to continue with your journey because if you give up, what was the point of starting?

She’s been quoted as saying, “I’m tenacious for success.”

In Conclusion

Madam Walker was a woman ahead of her time and, because she believed in herself and dared to try something new and take risks, she was able to accomplish so much. It’s important for everyone, especially those who feel they’ve come from nothing or don’t have the resources that others do, to read this story and see that success is possible if you’re willing to work hard for it!

Madam CJ Walker