If you’re looking for an easy way to start your own blog, you should consider these free blogging sites. All of them are free to use (unless otherwise noted) and will help you get started without any major investments or technical knowledge required on your part.

  1. WordPress

WordPress is the most popular blogging platform in existence, and it’s also free. It has a large community of developers working on improving it, which means you can find plenty of plugins and themes for your site. You can also host your site on WordPress.com or self-host it with hosting from companies like SiteGround, Bluehost, Hostinger, and WP Engine.

Benefits of WordPress Blogging Site

  • Open source software
  • WordPress is open-source software, which means that it’s free to install and modify.
  • Content management system
  • WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that allows you to create and organize content on your website.
  • Quick installation and upgrade
  • WordPress has an easy-to-install plugin architecture that makes it easy to customize your website. You can also upgrade your site quickly by downloading the latest version of WordPress directly from the WordPress community.
  • Theme customization
  • You can change the look and feel of your site by choosing from thousands of free themes or by creating a custom theme from scratch.
  • Blogging platform
  • You can use this CMS to publish blogs, news articles, photo galleries, videos, or any other type of content you want.
  • E-commerce platform
  • You can use this CMS to sell products online through an e-commerce store that integrates with popular payment gateways like PayPal or Stripe (among others).
  • WordPress Mobile Apps
  • You can use this CMS to create mobile apps for Android devices using PhoneGap/Cordova technology – or just publish your mobile website as an app!

In WordPress Blogging, here are the disadvantages:

  • The learning curve can be steep, especially if you’re new to web development
  • WordPress is not as user-friendly as other platforms and software (like Squarespace)
  • You need to be comfortable with coding in order to customize your blog through plugins and themes

2. Tumblr

If you’re looking for a free blogging platform that’s easy to use and has a simple design, then Tumblr might be the perfect fit for your blog.

This website lets you do many things that other top blogging sites don’t: customize your site, post photos and videos, share your thoughts in an organized format (like via “posts” or “pages”), or organize all of the above into different categories (e.g., lifestyle).

There are also several ways you can monetize your blog with Tumblr ads and affiliate links.

Benefits of Using Tumblr as a Blogging Platform

  1. Tumblr is a blogging site that allows you to post text, images, videos, and links. Tumblr is well-known for its unique features and flexibility.
  2. Tumblr allows you to create your own blog without any registration fees. You can choose from various themes and customize your blog according to your liking.
  3. Post blogs on Tumblr can also share your thoughts about anything under the sun. Post blogs on Tumblr can also share your thoughts about anything under the sun.
  4. Suppose you want to connect with other people with similar interests. In that case, Tumblr is the best place for you as it has millions of users worldwide who share their thoughts on various topics, including politics, religion, sports, etc.
  5. The best part about using this platform is that it allows you to create groups where people can come together and discuss various topics related to their interest groups, such as politics, fashion, etc.

Cons of Using Tumblr

1. Limited customization options

While Tumblr has a lot of great features, one thing it lacks is customization options. While you can change the font size and colour of your text, there are no other options for customizing how your posts look or feel on the site.

2. No option for monetization

Tumblr does not allow you to monetize your blog in any way, which means that even if you have an amazing blog with millions of followers, there is no way for you to make money from it!

3. No analytics tools available

Tumblr does not allow users to see their statistics about how many people view their blogs or how often their posts have been shared across other sites like Facebook or Twitter. This makes it very difficult for users to understand what types of content work best for them to create more engaging posts in the future!

3. Medium

Medium is a blogging platform owned by Automattic, the company behind WordPress. It’s both a good choice for writers and publishers. With Medium, you can write your own posts or publish your articles to their partner publications (including The Huffington Post).

Medium is also a good option for businesses that want to get paid for their work. You can create an account on Medium and accept donations from readers/fans through this platform.

Benefits of using Medium.com as your chosen platform:

  1. You can write longer posts than on other platforms (up to 10,000 words).
  2. You can customize the look of your posts with text colours and fonts, as well as add images and videos.
  3. You can embed links in your posts and make them clickable or non-clickable (#-symbols).
  4. You can have comments on your posts and reply directly to them from within the app itself (instead of having to go back into your email inbox).
  5. The publishing process is streamlined so that all you need to do is hit “Publish,” which saves time compared with other sites where you may have to wait for approval before posting publicly online (as opposed to just within a private group or network).

The Downsides you might encounter if you use Medium:

  1. It’s free, but it’s not free forever. You’ll need to pay for a subscription if you want to post more than three posts per month or use a custom domain.
  2. There isn’t much support for images or gifs in posts. This can make formatting difficult or impossible depending on what type of content you’re trying to share.
  3. You might find that your audience isn’t as big as you’d like it to be on Medium. Since so many other writers are posting daily, it can be hard for your content to stand out from the crowd—and even harder when people don’t have an easy way to find your profile or other articles you’ve written!
  4. The platform is still young, meaning that there are still some bugs and kinks being worked out (for example, sometimes links don’t work).

4. Ghost

If you’re looking for a minimal, easy-to-use platform that will allow you to write without worrying about a lot of additional features, then Ghost is the blogging platform for you. It’s also completely free and open source!

Ghost uses Markdown formatting by default and has excellent support for custom themes—so if the default design isn’t cutting it for your blog needs, there are plenty of free or paid options available on the web.

Benefits of Ghost Blogging Site

  1. Ghost is free to use; the only thing you will have to pay for is the domain name.
  2. You can create your own blog by simply clicking on the button that says “Create A New Blog”, and then entering your blog name, URL and login details.
  3. Ghost has a built-in editor that is easy to use, so anyone can create a blog without any technical knowledge required.
  4. It allows you to write posts in Markdown or HTML formats, so you don’t have to worry about learning how to code or install plugins if you want more advanced features than what comes default with Ghost’s installation process.

Disadvantages of using Ghost

  1. One of the main disadvantages of using Ghost is that it doesn’t have a large user base, so there aren’t as many people familiar with the platform and its potential capabilities.
  2. Another disadvantage of Ghost is that it can be difficult to find support or help when you encounter problems while using the platform since there aren’t as many people available to offer assistance.
  3. Since Ghost is a relatively new platform, it is still adding features and improving its overall functionality, which means that some users might find it lacking in certain areas compared to more established blogging sites.

5. Squarespace

Squarespace is another one of the big-name free blogging platforms. It’s easy to use, has an intuitive interface and allows for much customization. Squarespace also offers unlimited storage, which is definitely a bonus if your blog grows in popularity over time.

Squarespace’s templates are very customizable, allowing you to control the colour scheme and fonts used throughout your site—and it even gives you the option to design your own template from scratch! If you’re not feeling creative enough on your own, plenty of premade templates on the platform offer various styles and layouts.

With Squarespace being so easy to use, setting up a new site doesn’t require any technical knowledge at all—but if you want more control over how things look or work behind-the-scenes (i.e., changing code), then this may not be the best option for you since there isn’t much flexibility in its back end compared with some other free blogging platforms like WordPress or Medium.

Benefits of using Squarespace for your blog:

  • No need for coding skills or web design knowledge. You can build a professional-looking website without any experience!
  • Easy-to-use templates and drag-and-drop functionality means you can build your own site without hiring a designer or developer.
  • Completely customizable templates mean that you can create a unique look and feel for your blog without worrying about finding the right designer or developer.
  • Blogger support makes it easy to get help with anything from troubleshooting issues to finding new ways to use the product.
  • The platform is constantly being updated and improved, with new features regularly added.

Demerits of using Squarespace for blogging:

  • The platform can be expensive if you want to use some of the more advanced features or add-ons.
  • There is a limited selection of templates available, so if you’re looking for something specific, you might not find it on Squarespace.
  • The customer support is not 24/7, so if you encounter any problems outside of their operating hours, you’ll have to wait until they reopen to get assistance.
  • Squarespace is a closed platform, meaning you can’t export your data or move your site to another host if you decide to leave the platform.

6. Jekyll

Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator. It transforms your content into a collection of pages and posts. Themes define the design and layout of your site, but you have full control over everything from the smallest aesthetic detail to each page’s content.

Jekyll’s built-in support for Markdown, Liquid templates, custom plugins, preprocessing (using Bundler), and native extensions make it extremely flexible.

Benefits of using Jekyll for your blog

  1. SEO-Friendly: Jekyll is all about making your website search engine friendly. It uses Markdown for formatting and allows you to use tags to organize your content.
  2. Scalability: Jekyll allows you to easily scale your blog’s design from one page to an entire network of sites.
  3. Security: Jekyll was built using the principle that less is more, which means that when it comes to security, there are fewer places for hackers to hide their code.
  4. Jekyll is an open-source tool that allows users to create blogs, websites and documentation in a matter of minutes.
  5. When you use Jekyll, you are doing two things: saving yourself time and creating a website that runs smoothly.

Disadvantages of Jekyll for blogging

  1. You can’t use Jekyll unless you’re comfortable working in the command line interface (CLI).
  2. Jekyll is not as user-friendly as some of the other blog platforms out there.
  3. Jekyll simply doesn’t have a lot of bells and whistles.

7. Blogger

Blogger is a free blog publishing platform from Google. It’s easy to use and has many features, including themes, categories and RSS feeds. Blogger is a good choice for beginners because it’s easy to start writing on your blog immediately.

It also has social media integrations, so you can share your posts with your friends on Facebook or Twitter with one click. If you have a business that needs an online presence, Blogger might be the best option for you as well since it offers many customizations such as adding logos and changing colours in the header area.

The benefits you’ll get when using Blogger:

  • Blogger is the largest blogging site in the world. It has millions of users and is growing fast.
  • Blogger allows you to create a free blog instantly and start posting immediately, without any setup or technical knowledge.
  • It is easy to use and has an intuitive interface that makes it simple for anyone to use.
  • You can easily add different media types to your posts, such as images, videos, audio clips, etc.
  • You can also create polls within your posts to get feedback from your readers about certain topics or ideas that you want them to weigh in on.
  • Several templates are available to create a unique blog design that matches your personality or brand identity.

Cons of using Blogger

The major downside of using Blogger is that it is owned by Google and can be shut down at any time without notice.

Another downside is that there are not many customization options available, so if you want to change the look and feel of your blog, you might be out of luck.

8. Weebly

Weebly is a great option for anyone looking to build a website or blog. You can also use it to create an online store, portfolio, forum, or community.

It’s free and easy to use with no coding required. If you want to go beyond the basics, Weebly offers paid upgrades that allow you to create more complicated websites and blogs (such as eCommerce sites).

The downside of using Weebly is that it comes with some limitations: if you want to add custom code or do any heavy lifting on your website/blog, then you may need something else in addition to Weebly (which could be another paid service).

Benefits of Using Weebly

  • Easy to use
  • Free plan
  • You can add your own domain name
  • Customizable templates
  • Mobile friendly
  • Optimized for SEO

Disadvantages of Using Weebly

  • Limited customization options
  • No email accounts included
  • Can be slow
  • Not ideal for large sites
  • Some features require the paid plan

9. Pen.io

Pen.io is a free blog platform that allows you to build your website, add media, and write posts all in one place. You can even use your own domain name or create a custom domain name (like yourname.penio.com).

Benefits of Using Pen.io

  1. You can blog about anything
  2. You can choose the look and feel of your blog
  3. You can choose where you want to host your blog
  4. There are no ads on the site, so you can focus on your content without distraction.
  5. Commenting is disabled on posts, so you can focus on writing and interacting with readers rather than dealing with trolls or people who aren’t interested in reading what you’ve written.

Cons of Using Pen.io

  1. You can’t change the theme of your blog once it’s been created
  2. You can’t add plugins or custom code to your blog
  3. You can’t use Pen.io to create a website, only a blog
  4. There is no customer support if you have problems with your blog

10. Postach.io

Postach.io is a free blog platform that lets you create a blog in seconds. You can easily customize your blog with a custom domain name, SSL certificate and a professional theme. Postach.io also offers many beautiful templates to choose from, so you can pick the one that best suits your website needs.

You can also use the Postach.io app to write blog posts on your phone!

Here are some of the benefits of using Postach.io:

  1. Great Design

Postach.io has a clean design that looks great on any device. You’ll be able to see how your posts will look on phones, tablets, and desktops before publishing them!

  1. Flexible Layout Options

We know that every blog needs a little customization—that’s why we give you lots of options for changing up the look of your site. You can change the fonts on your site, add images and videos, and create custom pages for special events like holidays or birthdays…the possibilities are endless!

  1. Easy To Use Interface

Creating content on Postach.io is easy peasy lemon squeezy! Our interface makes it simple to create new posts without cluttering up your screen with unnecessary features or menus (you can even hide those if they’re not useful to you).

Some Disadvantages of Using Postach.io

  • You can only blog about topics that Evernote supports
  • Your blog posts are limited to 25 MB each
  • You can’t use your own domain name with Postach.io (but you can use a custom subdomain)
  • There is no customer support if you have problems with your blog
  • You can’t use Postach.io to create a website, only a blog

11. Facebook Blogging

If you’re looking for a blogging site that’s easy to use, has tons of features, and is free, look no further than Facebook.

Facebook is one of the most popular social media sites in the world, so it makes sense that it would also be a great place to host your blog. But did you know there are other reasons why Facebook may be better than other blogging platforms?


  • It’s free! Facebook doesn’t charge anything to use its platform, which means you don’t have to pay a monthly fee or pay for hosting services.
  • You can add video and audio files and text posts on your blog—and all in one place! This is helpful if you want to share multimedia content with your readers without going through another service like YouTube or SoundCloud.
  • You can connect with friends who share similar interests by following them on Facebook. This helps create a sense of community among people with similar interests and goals in life, making them feel more comfortable coming back again and again because they feel like they belong there (plus, it helps spread the word about your blog!).

Disadvantages of Facebook Blogging

  • The audience is not as targeted as on other blogging platforms. Many people use Facebook just to keep up with their friends and family, not to read blogs.
  • It can be difficult to get noticed on Facebook. If you’re posting videos or images without adding any text, your posts will only be seen by a small percentage of your followers—and even then, only if they happen to see them when scrolling through their newsfeeds.
  • You’ll have less control over privacy settings than on other sites like WordPress or Tumblr (which we’ll discuss next). This means that your posts could potentially be seen by people who aren’t following you or even friends of friends (although this can be mitigated with careful use of privacy settings).

These sites will help you start your blog without spending money.

  • These blogging platforms are free and easy to use.
  • They’re good for beginners, professionals, and multiple people/blogs/sites.
  • They’re good if you have a particular domain or subdomain in mind (for example, yourname.com).


We hope this list has helped you find a free and easy way to start your blog. We know how hard it is to get started, and we wanted to make sure that these sites were as easy as possible so you can spend less time worrying about hosting or paying for things like domain names and SSL certificates, which can be expensive! The best part about using one of these sites is that when you’re ready for more features (like hosting), they’ll probably have an offer for you—but until then, enjoy the simplicity!