Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston on January 17, 1706. He is known for his accomplishments as a polymath and self-educated American author, publisher, inventor and diplomat.

Franklin had an illegitimate son with Deborah Read before marrying her in 1730. His son’s name was William Franklin, who would eventually be the last Royal Governor of New Jersey during the Revolutionary War.

In this blog post, we look at some famous quotes from Benjamin Franklin and implement them in different aspects of our lives.

1. “Lost time is never found again.” – Benjamin Franklin

This quote by Benjamin Franklin covers two important ideas. Firstly, it speaks of the value of time and how we should try not to waste it. Secondly, it states that once wasted, you can’t get back lost time. If you understand this concept, you will realize that many activities are not important and should be completed quickly. This allows you to use time more efficiently, and it will benefit your life in the long run.

2. ” Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin

This quote emphasizes that hard work, rather than words, gets positive results. If you can show your actions what you want, it will have more weight than if you were to say it. This quote encourages us when faced with a situation that requires action rather than words. We should remember that our actions are very important in determining what kind of results we get in life.

3. ” Where there is Hunger, Law is not regarded; and where Law is not regarded, there will be Hunger.” – Benjamin Franklin

This quote speaks of how lawlessness leads to hunger. If people do not follow the law, they cannot get food or other necessary items to survive. This leads them to become hungry. It is important to note that they will also be unable to eat if they do not follow the law. This quote exemplifies how interdependent people are on one another; those who don’t follow the law cannot eat, and those without food cannot follow the law.  

4. ” Industry and Perseverance have done wonders in all ages.” – Benjamin Franklin

Perseverance and hard work are two characteristics that can be beneficial to their lives if possessed by an individual. Ben Franklin tells us that throughout history, people who possess these qualities have achieved success, worked on improving themselves or their surroundings, and truly done wonders.

5. “The noblest question in the world is what Good may I do in it?” – Benjamin Franklin

This quote is about the importance of doing good. There are many instances where people will wonder what good they can do with their lives to be remembered for something significant after they die. Ben Franklin states that the “noblest” question everyone should ask themselves is what good they can do with their lives. In other words, it is better to think about how you can benefit society rather than how you will be remembered after your death.

6. “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” – Benjamin Franklin

This quote tells us that we need to grow and improve ourselves to have a better life. Without this growth, success or improvement will not be possible. Ben Franklin is telling us that to have a successful life. We need to keep growing and keep progressing.

7. “Energy and persistence conquer all things.” – Benjamin Franklin

This quote reminds us that the key to success is energy and persistence. If we are persistent, we can do anything; it doesn’t matter if there are obstacles in our way because, with enough willpower, we can succeed in what we set out to do.

8. “The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our ignorance.” – Benjamin Franklin

This quote is about how it is better to be aware of our ignorance. Ben Franklin suggests that if we are aware of our ignorance, we can overcome our shortcomings and improve ourselves. He believes that the key to enlightenment is knowing what you don’t know to learn more.

9. “I know not why a man may not be as proud of owning a picture by a famous master, or a mezzotint, as by the pedigree of his race and ancestors.” – Benjamin Franklin

This quote is about how we should take pride in what we work hard for. We often spend years trying to attain certain things, such as a college degree, a well-paying job, etc. Ben Franklin suggests that we should be just as proud of what we work hard for as our ancestors who worked so hard to build their legacy. We should not be ashamed or apologetic about enjoying the benefits of our labour.

10. “Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin

This quote is about the importance of action. Ben Franklin suggests that it is better to do well than say well. It doesn’t matter what you say if your actions are not consistent with your words; all that matters is how you perform. He even says that people would rather see someone who does not speak much really well than someone who speaks a lot yet does not do anything.

11. “People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents.” – Benjamin Franklin

This quote is about the importance of self-motivation. Self-motivators have the willpower to accomplish any task they set out to do. They are not easily discouraged or distracted by trivial matters. Anyone who possesses the drive to accomplish their goals is destined for greatness.

12. “If you would be loved, love and be lovable.” – Benjamin Franklin

This quote reminds us that if we want others to show us affection, we must first show them our love. We cannot expect others to love us if we are unwilling to love them first. Ben Franklin is saying that for someone to show you affection, you must be the one who initiates by initiating your affectionate behaviour.

13. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin

This quote is about how it is better to be an avid learner than a forgetful know-it-all. Ben Franklin believes that learning new things will help us succeed in life more than simply knowing what we already know. The people who learn and grow the most are the ones who stand out from the crowd; they are the innovators, not the imitators.

14. “They may live long, who live well.” – Benjamin Franklin

This quote is about how it is better to be healthy in mind and body than not. Ben Franklin believes that many people wish they could do great things, but they never get started because they don’t feel like their life is worth living. He suggests that taking care of our physical and mental health will accomplish great things.

15. “The noblest question in the world is, What good may I do in it?” – Benjamin Franklin

This quote is about how we should never question the worthiness of doing good deeds for other people. Instead of questioning why we should help others, Ben Franklin suggests focusing on finding the answer. He believes that it is not why we should do things for other people but what good we can do in this world.

16. “I have never liked the fancy titles of Lady, and Lord.” – Benjamin Franklin

This quote is about how titles do not define a person’s character. Ben Franklin never felt comfortable being referred to as Lord, even though it was his birthright. He disliked titles so much that he preferred the terms Mr., Mrs., and Miss over any other title. Titles do not define a person’s identity or true qualities because anyone can have a prestigious title yet still be evil.

16 Famous Quotes by Benjamin Franklin to Motivate You in Life