Mark’s a self-made billionaire. He became an entrepreneur at the age of 12 when he sold garbage bags to pay his family’s bills. So when Mark landed in Dallas, Texas, with just $100 in his pocket and no connections, he got to work immediately and amassed one of the largest fortunes in America.

He is the owner of AXS TV, Magnolia Pictures, Landmark Theatres and chairman of HDNet Movies, among several other ventures. In addition, Cuban wrote two books: How To Win At The Sport Of Business (2004) and Know When To Hold ‘Em (2009).

In this blog post, we look at some famous quotes from Mark Cuban and implement them in different aspects of our lives.

1. “If you’re hustling backwards, I’d suggest a course correction,” – Mark Cuban

Nowadays, everyone is so busy running behind money that they have no time to think about improving themselves or thinking about their goals. So get out of your comfort zone and do something new because this will help you learn new things and broaden your horizon, which ultimately helps you grow as a person.

2. “So I don’t think there’s any question that adding an element of accountability to your customers is gonna be huge,” – Mark Cuban

Today people want everything for free, so if you are selling something or providing some service, then try to give them the incentive to buy from you by offering discounts, rewards or even money-back offers.

3. “You are responsible for the outcome of your actions, whether you are a basketball player or someone who follows basketball,” – Mark Cuban

We all know that we reap what we sow, so if you want something in life, you have to work for it, and you will get it because thinking otherwise is foolish.

4. “You should learn from other people, but not live their lives,” – Mark Cuban

We can take some valuable lessons and positive aspects that we see in others and apply them to our lives, but never should we think of replicating someone else’s life because everyone has their own story which is full of ups and downs and their own experiences which they go through to learn something and become successful.

5. “I’m just out here trying to be helpful,” – Mark Cuban

Mark is known for his philanthropic efforts. For example, he donated $7 million to Indiana University at Bloomington to renovate its business school, renamed it the Mark Cuban School of Business. In addition, he donated $5 million to Carnegie Mellon University for creating an institute dedicated to innovation and technology commercialization, which was named after him as the Mark Cuban Center for Technology Commercialization.

6. “You can’t blame your background, family or circumstances beyond your control,” – Mark Cuban

We all come from different backgrounds, so if someone is born into a low-income family, then they have to work hard to achieve something great because no one else will do it for them, but this does not mean that if someone is born rich or comes from a good background, then they are already blessed because anyone can achieve success through sheer hard work.

7. “Learn how to make people like you and how to work with people so you can have long-term relationships,” – Mark Cuban

Today business is not confined to just one industry or a company. It has no boundaries. Hence, any businessman should be skilled or knowledgeable enough to work in every situation. This means that if you want to become good at something, you have to learn all the aspects of it and you should be able to work with everyone smoothly because every industry has its own culture.

8. “Keep your head up, man. Life is tough sometimes, but it’s also really incredible,” – Mark Cuban

Even though life seems difficult, if you keep trying, you will get through it and come out of that situation stronger than before.

9. “I look at myself as just an ordinary guy with a big heart,” – Mark Cuban

Mark is known for his generosity. He donates more than $1 million every year to different charities related to cancer, education of women, medical research, homelessness etc. This makes him very down to earth and humble, in my opinion.

10. “When someone is mean or rude to you, remember that they are probably dealing with an even bigger problem,” – Mark Cuban

Always be kind to everyone because today it takes just a smile or giving respect to someone to make their day good, which benefits you.

11. “I’m not afraid to say what I think,” – Mark Cuban

In my opinion, this is the key to understanding how a person thinks and when they will take action because if you know someone, you should be well aware of their inner desires and thoughts, unless if it’s about money, then everyone becomes greedy.

12. “Take your work seriously, but never yourself,” – Mark Cuban

I think everyone in the world has heard this one before because it is true in every aspect of life. If you want to live a happy and content life, then give your 100% at your job and work for it because when you do something wholeheartedly, then it doesn’t seem difficult for you, but if you are doing something for the sake of it, then there is no fun in that.

13. “I didn’t know anything about business growing up,” – Mark Cuban

Mark did not have a silver spoon to feed him, nor did he have any contacts or mentors who could help him get to where he is today. This means that anyone can become successful because all you need to do is work hard for it.

14. “Don’t begin relationships by checking references,” – Mark Cuban

Marks says this because in the business world, no one will be nice to you and tell you if someone has made mistakes or has done something wrong, so if you start your relationship on a bad note, then it will only get worse.

15. “If it’s supposed to be, it’s up to me,” – Mark Cuban

You can’t blame everything that happens in your life because, at the end of it, every choice is yours, so if something goes right or wrong, you are responsible for it.

16. “I thought I was the coolest kid because I had my TV show,” – Mark Cuban

The quote shows how humble and down to earth he is because if someone has already been a billionaire, they would not be so enthusiastic about their childhood experiences or things that happened in their life. Still, well, this shows that he has not forgotten his roots.

17. “What you risk reveals what you value,” – Mark Cuban

Nowadays, everyone is in a rush to reach their goals, but they don’t bother to think about the work or effort which goes into achieving something, so if you are willing to put in hard work, then it means that you care about your goals and what you are trying to achieve.

18. “You learn a lot about people when things go badly,” – Mark Cuban

This is another important quote that shows that relationships remain strong no matter how bad the situation becomes. If two people love each other, they will always find ways to make it work even if there is much work involved.

19. “I hired a CEO because I was spending too much time accounting,” – Mark Cuban

This shows that you should have the right skills and expertise before applying for a job. However, if not, you can still get it done because even though people may be better than you at doing something, they will not be able to do it better. After all, you have passion and dedication.

Thanks so much for stopping by, have a fantastic day!