There are ways to feel motivated, especially when you feel stuck. Need ideas for motivation? 

The truth is that sometimes when you feel stuck, it can be hard to get going. But if you think outside the box and try new ways of getting with your personal or professional goals, you’ll be surprised by how much good stuff happens! So here are 26 tips on how to get motivated when you feel stuck.

1. Listen to a Podcast or Audiobook

Sometimes, you need to get out of your head and take in information that will make you feel like embarking on a new path. I have discovered over time that listening to a podcast or audiobook when I’m in the car can be great motivation. It is essential to struggle with reading or don’t have the time to sit and flip through pages. Listening to a podcast or an audiobook is a great way to learn something new and expand your mind. 

2. Read a Book

Like listening to a podcast or audiobook, reading can help get you motivated. It’s essential to make sure the book you are reading is actually on topic for what you need to accomplish. For example, I read mostly non-fiction books about spirituality, religion, etc. But I also find it necessary to read novels now and again. Engaging with fictional characters gives your mind a break from reality.

3. Follow Positive People on Social Media

I have found that social media helps get me motivated, especially if some of the people you follow are positive influencers or motivational speakers. Seeing what other people are up to can inspire you to get off the couch and work towards your goals.

4. Get Some Sunlight

Much like eating healthy, it is essential to expose yourself to sunlight regularly. Getting some sun helps regulate your sleep, which will make you feel more motivated throughout the day. 

5. Create a Morning Ritual

Doing something that makes you feel good when you first wake up is a great way to get motivated. A morning ritual can be anything from meditating, doing yoga, cooking breakfast, etc. I like to do some physical activity in the morning, which has been an excellent motivator lately. 

6. Watch or Listen to Some TED Talks

TED Talks are great ways to feel motivated and inspired. TED is an organization with a mission: to spread ideas. They do this by hosting conferences where they bring together the world’s most fascinating thinkers and doers, who give 18-minute talks (or shorter!) about their incredible work and ideas. Not only that, but you can also find TED Talks online. Watching or listening to the TED website is a great way to feel motivated.

7. Write Down Your Goals

Writing down your goals is a fantastic way to stay motivated once you have them figured out. When you put it down on paper, it makes things more accurate than just having them floating around your head. Plus, once you have your goals written down, it is easier to stay motivated and inspired!

8. Create a List of Rewards for Yourself

Rewards are a great way to feel motivated, especially when you hit a bump in the road. Find out what works best for you and use it as a reward for completing tasks or getting through a certain number of tasks. For example, maybe you like to eat ice cream after finishing your to-do list or go on a walk around the neighbourhood once you complete something big.

9. Find a Workout Routine that Works for You

Exercise is a great way to feel good about yourself and be motivated in getting stuff done. Therefore, it is vital to find an exercise routine that works for you. For example, I like doing yoga because it makes me feel good and is a great workout. So, find something that makes you happy, whatever it may be!

10. Take a Nap

Taking a nap in the middle of the day can be very helpful in getting motivated to do things you may have been putting off. It is essential to set aside time if you take a nap, so don’t schedule it for right before something important.

11. Go Outside

Getting some sunlight or being outside for at least thirty minutes is good motivation in getting stuff done after work or on the weekend. Being outside can provide some fresh air and sunshine, not to mention it is good for your overall health.

12. Tell People What You Are Working On

Sharing what you are working on with other people is also great motivation in keeping up on things! It’s always nice feeling like you have some accountability when it comes to certain goals. 

13. Keep Track of Your Progress

Keeping track of your progress is a great way to stay motivated. Keeping track of how far you have come can be very encouraging and motivating in continuing with what you are working on.

14. Make a Reward System for Yourself

This one ties into number seven quite nicely, as having a reward system for yourself can motivate you to get stuff done. If your reward system is something that motivates you to get things done, then it’ll be a win-win!

15. Stop Watching So Much Television

When you spend too much time watching television or Netflix, it takes away from time that could be used to get work done. So instead of watching TV, spend that time doing something productive.

16. Stop Stressing the Small Stuff

When you are stressed about tasks or other things stressing you out, it is harder to get motivated to get them done. When you worry too much about certain things, it can be overwhelming and make it impossible to finish anything.

17. Exercise Your Mind

When you exercise your mind, it’s beneficial to focus and being productive, but it can also motivate getting stuff done! For example, doing crosswords is a great way to exercise your brain so that you can find solutions to problems or tasks easily. You could also try converting numbers into binary in your head, or even try doing anagrams!

18. Find a Partner in Crime

Finding someone to work on projects with is great motivation when it comes to getting stuff done! Having a partner in crime can make things easier and more fun when working on specific projects. Check out Craigslist for possible partners in crime if you don’t know anyone in real life!

19. Pay Attention to How You Are Feeling

Remembering how you feel and what motivates you is a great way to get stuff done. For example, do you need to take a break after completing specific tasks? Are you craving ice cream as a reward? Do you like going outside?

20. Listen to a Podcast

Listening to a podcast can be good motivation in getting work done. Listening to something while you do other things can make it seem less tedious, and if the podcast is fascinating, you might even stay motivated in doing specific tasks!

21. Take a Nap Before Going to Work

Taking a nap before going to work is a great way to get stuff done once you get home from work. A nap can help refresh you and give you a boost of energy so that when the time comes for working on stuff, you feel ready!

22. Make a List

Making lists of things that need to be completed or worked on is a great way to stay motivated in getting stuff done. When you make lists of tasks that need to be completed, it’s easier to keep track of what needs to get done and keep yourself on track!

23. Stop Comparing Yourself to Other People

Comparing yourself to other people can be motivating and demotivating at the same time, which makes it difficult to get motivated. When you compare yourself to other people, it can be motivating in some ways because you might try to compete with them or outdo them so that they won’t win! However, this could also be demotivating if you are comparing yourself very poorly to others.

24. Try Drinking Green Tea

Drinking green tea is great for focusing and staying motivated in getting things done. Green tea has a lot of caffeine in it (compared to other kinds of tea), giving you enough energy to work on stuff and not be distracted by sleepiness or boredom!

25. Make Your Work Environment Comfortable

Making your work environment comfortable is a great way to stay motivated in getting stuff done. So it’s important to be as comfortable as possible to avoid getting distracted by things like an uncomfortable chair or too much noise.

26. Work on Smaller Tasks First

Working on smaller tasks first might not sound motivating, but it is! When the time comes for working on bigger projects, you might feel more motivated to work on them because you can cross off small complex or less fun tasks.


Remembering these things should help you stay motivated in getting stuff done! It’s also good to take a break every so often not to get tired or burnt out.