Joe Pullizzi is the author of Epic Content Marketing and president of Joe Pullizzi, Inc. (JPI). He has created award-winning content for Showtime, Nintendo, Ford, AT&T, and CBS. 

His clients include top brands in entertainment, manufacturing, finance, publishing, and law enforcement. 

Epic Content Marketing by Joe Pullizzii talks about several lessons learned from experience with content marketing. Let’s discover those epic lessons in this blog post.

1. Create epic content to build trust and authority.

The first lesson of Epic Content Marketing is: The best customers for your business are ones already trusting and liking you and want more from you.

If we look at the modern-day marketing landscape, we discover that customers have so many options available to them, it can be hard for organizations to stand out.

For example, if you are trying to promote your law firm online, there are many other law firms available online, all promoting their services and eager for new clients. In this way, it can be hard for a law firm to stand out from the crowd. The best way of doing that is by creating authentic content that helps people.

Create epic content that helps people, builds trust in your business, and shows authority by solving problems. This will help you stand out from the crowd. For example, can you imagine what would happen if other law firms could read an article about how to deal with taxes after a car accident? If it’s written well, this type of content can benefit people – it would certainly help me.

I’m guessing that if law firms create epic content like that, their business will grow as a result. And I also guess that once this happens, you will have clients who are eager to do more business with your company because they know you are an authority in the field of law.

2. Create epic content to get more likes, shares, retweets, pins, comments… etc.

People love sharing great content with their friends on social media. If you have created epic content that is of value to someone’s life or business, it will be shared many times over, and this is the type of content marketing that works.

When creating epic content, aim to be as helpful as possible so your audience can’t wait to share it with their friends and colleagues.

3. Create epic content for a low budget.

Epic Content Marketing is aimed at small businesses and start-ups who don’t have a huge advertising budget but want to compete with the big guys. However, even if you don’t have the money to spend on huge advertising campaigns, there are many affordable options you can choose from to promote your business online.

You could try writing guest blog posts for other websites in your niche or social media marketing.

As Joe Pullizzi explains in his book, Epic Content Marketing: “Marketing is not a mystery. You have to give more people a reason to pay attention to your business and approach than the number of people who are distracted by the competition.”

4. Create epic content for a quick win.

Businesses don’t want to fail online, so that you will start with a low-risk, quick win. Epic Content Marketing will help you do this by showing you how to use content creation and distribution steps to generate traction for your business, even if you have just a basic website and limited resources.

So if you have a limited budget, you can start with a quick win, and it will help you get the experience to go on and do bigger things.

5. Create epic content to fuel other marketing campaigns.

In Epic Content Marketing, Joe Pullizzi talks about how audiences link from one form of media. For example, if someone reads your blog post, you can be pretty certain they will check out your website and social media platforms (if you have them) over the next few days. Likewise, if someone watches one of your videos, there’s a good chance they will like it enough to share it on social media.

If you create epic content for one type of marketing campaign, you can use the same type of content to promote a different campaign.

6. Create epic content because competitors are already doing it.

In Epic Content Marketing, Joe Pullizzi talks about how companies like General Electric and Innocent Drinks have taken advantage of using short films as part of their digital marketing campaigns. He also reveals some stats that show how quickly consumers can change their minds about a product:

“Innocent Drinks changed the public’s mind about fruit smoothies between 2007 and 2009. In that time, Innocent went from having no market share to having 19% of the UK smoothie market.” 

7. Create epic content to bring all your marketing efforts together.

Epic Content Marketing is a way for online marketers and business owners like you and me to cut through the noise and bring everything we do under one banner. It means that every form of digital marketing that we use, from blogging, video making, social media campaigns, helps us promote our brand or website.

If you have been blogging regularly and have a few videos up on YouTube, people can visit your video channel to find out more when you publish a new blog post under your umbrella brand.

8. Create epic content today.

We spend so much time wasting time! We spend hours looking for things that we could have done the day before, reading articles that are no good, or watching videos on YouTube because there’s nothing else to do. The first step towards creating epic content is to stop being lazy and wasting your life away looking at other people’s work. Get started today!

9. Create epic content because you have to.

If you want to grow your business online, there is no point in just sitting on the sidelines watching while your competitors get ahead. You can either get involved with creating epic content for your brand or sit around doing nothing while others surpass you.

So, the choice is yours. If you are ready to start creating epic content for your online marketing campaigns, then it’s time to get started right now.