John D. Rockefeller’s story has been told time and again, but the lessons he learned from it can be applied to our own lives as well. 

He was one of America’s richest men and a self-made industrialist who has some great advice for us all on living our lives with intentionality. In his letter from prison, he says, “My mind is calm because my life work well done brings me joy”, which sums up what we should be aiming at as well!

So, here are nine things you should take away after reading about this man:

1. Be patient and build up your business carefully

John D. Rockefeller was a man who took his time to make sure he did things the right way. As such, he knew that “there is plenty of time for reproach” if we rush without thinking about the consequences. 

He built his empire over time, and only when the idea was fully thought through did he put it into practice, which we can all take on board. So instead of diving in too quickly, make sure you really know what is ahead of you before you go for it. 

2. Work hard every day and don’t give up when times get tough

John D. Rockefeller’s hard work ethic throughout his life was noticed by many others who also believe that “a fair day’s work at fair pay is more worthy than wealth” and “better is it to be envied than pitied”. 

This advice will help us stay strong when the challenges of life seem too much, but they won’t let them ruin everything we’ve worked for. 

3. Set your goals, don’t aim low (and never give up)

John D. Rockefeller says that “the only limits to our realizable hopes are our doubts and fears”, and he’s right as we need to take chances in life if we want to really go places. 

Don’t be afraid of failure – it is a part of life, and those who aim high will always have something to strive for, which is good practice to have in life. It’s good to keep your hopes high and believe that you can do anything you put your mind to, even if it seems far out of reach at the moment. 

4. Remember what you’ve learnt when growing up

John D. Rockefeller’s advice is “in no other place will a young man learn so much as in a great city”, and he was right to mention this, as a city is full of life experiences waiting for you. You can learn from books all day long, but nothing will teach you more about the world than what you see for yourself in it. So if we want to get anywhere in life, we need to get out there and take on the challenge. 

5. Give back when you have the means to do so

John D. Rockefeller’s generosity in “giving alms” was a well-known gesture, and he has said that it always brings him “a feeling of well being.” Helping others can really help us feel better, too, as we know we are doing something good for the world, which can boost our self-esteem. When we give others a little bit of happiness, then we feel better about ourselves as we know we’ve put something good out into the universe and gotten nothing in return.

6. Travel, but do it smartly

Everyone needs to get away at some point to help them grow as a person. “I consider travel in some sense education in itself, “says John D. Rockefeller who suggests that getting out there to see the world is a great way to learn about life and improve our own ways of thinking too.

So, don’t be afraid to make a move and go somewhere new, even if it’s for a short time. You can always learn more on your travels than you will in any classroom. 

7. Put yourself out there with confidence

John D. Rockefeller is quoted as saying, “I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty.” 

We should always think the same way and remember that life is what we make it, so if we want to get somewhere, we need to go out there and put ourselves out there.

Don’t be shy with your ideas; find ways to sell them, and you’ll find yourself excelling far beyond what you might have been previously. 

8. Have a good work ethic

One of John D. Rockefeller’s sayings is, “I would rather wear out than rust out.” This means it’s better to use our energies wisely and keep going at what we do, rather than being lazy and giving up on everything too quickly. 

Hard work is always the way to get ahead in life, so remember this when you are working hard on something. You will get there if you just keep going until you do. 

9. Be generous with what you have

John D. Rockefeller said that “the true rule of business is not to spend all that you earn but to put a certain part of what you earn in reserve.” 

This is great advice for anyone, as we need to try and make the best of what we have instead of always striving to get more or losing what we already have. If we can manage less, then it means that if anything bad happens in our lives, we don’t need to worry as we have a bit of spare cash to help us out.

So, why not put some money in your savings account or try and save up for something nice each month with the rest of the money you earn? It will give you peace of mind, especially if there happen to be any problems in your life. This way, no matter what comes your way, you’ll be all right.

Conclusion: 9 Lessons From John D. Rockefeller That Can Change Your Life

John D. Rockefeller is one of the most successful men in history, and he has earned his place in history books because of this. 

From what you can see, there are several key lessons that we can learn from him if we want to achieve in life too. 

We all need to try and wise up on our skills for modern times, so make sure you are always on top of things by learning as much as possible. This will help you keep your mind sharp and aware of what’s going on in the world around us. 

If you want to learn more about John D. Rockefeller, check out this biography. It includes some really interesting information on his life.