The nine life lessons listed in this blog post were formulated by the master himself, Walt Disney. He had an unparalleled understanding of how success is achieved, so here we will examine his strategies for reaching one’s goals, whether personal or professional, with positive thinking at all times!

So, the following are lessons from Disney that he spent a lifetime learning and then applied to his designs to allow him the success we all know today.

1. Belief in Yourself

Believe in yourself, and you can achieve anything! For example, during The Great War, Walt Disney was told by an Army Captain that he would not ride again, so this included horseback riding. 

Walt proved the Captain wrong and even got back his old job as a rider for Disney Studios. This showed that he believed in himself, became confident, and worked hard again. 

2. Passion and Positivity

The only way to achieve your goals is through perseverance and passion, combine these two at all times, and your life will be full of positive energy. For example, Disney was passionate about cartoons, and this passion turned into an empire that we can still enjoy today. 

He used his passion for driving him towards greatness and always remained positive. Walt Disney was the first to believe that Snow White could become a film. He knew it would be hard work during his lifetime, but he also knew he had a passion for animation, so why not give it a go even if no one else believed!

3. Stay Focused

It is easy to become distracted on the path towards your goals. When you find yourself becoming unfocused, stop for a second and reflect on where you are heading. 

Disney used this strategy by pulling himself away from Hollywood parties to save money, ultimately buying his studio.

4. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Everyone is unique, don’t compare yourself to others. When you stop comparing yourself to others, you will discover your true potential, which Walt Disney did to great success.

He focused on his talents and the right path for him, not someone else. It teaches us that we should never compare our lives to other people, and we must learn to appreciate who we are. 

5. Have Fun!

When you stop having fun, you will lose interest in your work, and the passion will fade away. Disney taught us that everything is more exciting with a life full of fun, laughter, and happiness. 

He thought making the best cartoons was to add more fun and excitement. He believed that if it is not fun, then why to bother.

6. Keep Trying!

Nothing good comes easy, and Walt Disney really wanted to succeed with his animation company, and eventually, he did. 

He learned that you should never give up on your dreams because something could go right the next day.

7. Don’t Give up on Your Ideas!

Disney had to fight for his ideas, but he never gave up, which is why we have so many timeless classics today. 

He created Snow White all by himself because nobody believed in him. But, eventually, people started investing in him, and it grew into the empire we know today.

8. Perseverance

This life lesson is similar to passion and positivity in a way, but perseverance takes it one step further. Once you set out on your journey, keep going no matter what obstacles are thrown in your path. 

Disney went through many failures before he succeeded and continued going on anyway.

9. Acknowledge Your Mistakes

Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes, but it is important not to focus on them too much as you will either find yourself stuck or be haunted by your past failures forever. 

Disney knew that admitting you made a mistake was the best way to move forward, which is why he encouraged employees who made mistakes to recognize them openly. 

Disney also learned that you should always try and fix your mistakes to prevent them from happening again in the future.

9 Life Lessons from Walt Disney to Make You Successful