There are several ways to assist fellow human beings and make their day a little brighter. In these trying times, we find ourselves the world needs kindness, love, and compassion. 

The following are 26 ways one can help another person who requires little effort from the kindness do-er.

1. Smile and be friendly.

It is a simple thing that may make someone else’s day brighter or better. Sometimes it is the little things in life that can mean the most. So why not try smiling at someone today? Even if they don’t return one, you will know that you brightened their day by smiling!

2. Be generous with your time and money.

Helping others means taking some of your valuable time volunteering at a non-profit organization or charity or donating your money to an organization in need. It is a good thing to help others, especially those who are less fortunate.

3. Listen to someone’s story.

When you listen to another person’s story, it allows them the opportunity to voice their thoughts and feelings on a specific subject. In addition, when someone feels that they are being listened to without judgment or repercussion, it can be very gratifying for the speaker.

4. Give some of your clothes to someone in need.

If you have old clothes that you no longer need, why not give them away? In so doing, you will help someone feel better about themselves and their situation. It’s a great feeling to know that the things we don’t need anymore can be helpful to others.

5. Throw someone a surprise party.

Why not invite some of your friends over for an impromptu party? If you see the person is down, celebrating them will make their day. It can be something as simple as bringing doughnuts to work or taking your co-worker out to lunch.

6. Use social media like Facebook and Twitter to share a good deed you did.

Sometimes the best way to make someone’s day is if you shout out your kindness from the social media rooftops! By posting what you did online, others will be inspired to do kind things too. It can turn into a big something where everyone participates, leading to more extraordinary acts of kindness.

7. Randomly say “hi” to someone you don’t know.

Everyone loves acknowledgement. So why not take the chance to approach a stranger to say “hello randomly”? Showing that you are friendly makes people feel good about themselves, and it can brighten their day.

8. Talk to a stranger.

Everyone likes to feel validated and acknowledged, so why not start a conversation with a stranger? Some people go through their daily lives without anyone noticing them or talking to them. Showing kindness where it is least expected can help someone’s day immensely. 

9. Have coffee with someone you don’t know well.

Sometimes you can brighten someone’s day just by sitting down with them to have coffee or tea. It is a great way to get to know others and create new relationships. Every relationship starts with a conversation, so why not try it today?

10. Take a homeless person out for coffee and food.

It may not be as easy to do, but what a difference you could make in someone’s life! It is never too late to help others, and showing that you care can go a long way towards making their day marvellous. Don’t think that you cannot help because you are not sure if the person is genuine. It is better to try than to regret what could have been done.

11. Leave a note on someone’s windshield with a gift card on it.

It is a great way of surprising another who may be going through a rough time, and it costs nothing to do! So if you see their vehicle in the parking lot, why not leave them a pleasant little surprise? You don’t even have to sign your name. It doesn’t matter if they know who it is from or not, just that someone cared enough to try and help brighten their day.

12. Smile at everyone!

Sometimes people are down because of the simplest things. However, it could be something as small as getting a warm smile from another can change someone’s day, so why not try it? You will never know how much of an impact you have on others until you give it a try.

13. Take your friends out for lunch or coffee.

Why not repay the kindness that your friends have shown all year? Do something special for them and take them out for lunch or coffee. You never know what impact you could have on their day just by taking the time to be with them.

14. Make someone’s bed at work!

Instead of complaining about how unkempt our workspaces are, why not do something about it? Fixing up a tiny area can make someone else’s day! They will feel better working in a clean environment, and it will help them be more productive.

15. Do the dishes at work for everyone to see!

Why should you have all of the fun being nice? Why not take the time to do the dishes for everyone to see? Not only will it brighten the days of those you do this for, but others will join in and help out too.

16. Leave a little gift on someone’s desk.

It is another excellent way to surprise someone at work who may be having a tough day. It does not have to be expensive, and it is a great way to show kindness and brighten someone else’s day.

17. Make your colleague a cup of tea or coffee.

Everyone likes something that has been made especially for them, so why not make your colleague a nice cup of tea or coffee? It takes little effort, and you never know how much it could mean to that person. Most of us take for granted how little effort goes into making a cup of coffee, and we do not even think about the process.

18. Let someone go ahead of you in line at the grocery store or post office.

This idea is similar to number 12, but it does not have to be done in secret! If you are not in a hurry, let someone else go ahead of you. It will make their day, and it could be the best part of their day! You never know unless you try.

19. Make eye contact when passing people on the street or in your building.

Why not give someone another kind smile? Most times, people are so caught up in their world that they are not even aware of the people around them, but taking the time to acknowledge them can make all of the difference.

20. Drop money in a street musician’s hat.

Music is powerful, and it does not cost anything to show your appreciation for someone else’s talent! So if you know how to play an instrument, why not join in and help them out?

21. Give a surprise gift to your neighbour!

You never know what people are going through, and it is always nice to spread around the happiness that you have been given. It does not have to be expensive or fancy; just something that shows that you care can go a long way towards brightening someone’s day.

22. Open the door for people and let them walk in first!

It is nice of you to give up your place in line, so why not return that favour? Also, it can be a great way to brighten someone else’s day when they get through the door before you do! Even if they are not having a bad day, it is just lovely to be kind.

23. Pay for the person’s coffee behind you in line at the coffee shop!

Why should only one person have to pay? You never know how much this could mean or brighten someone else’s day, so why not try it out? It is an easy way to show kindness.

24. Carry something heavy for another person.

It is a great idea to do with children, though it can be done with adults too! For example, if you and your child see someone struggling in front of you, why not offer to help out? It will be suitable for the other person, and you can teach your child that it is essential to be kind and helpful.

25. Offer a seat to an older person on the subway or bus.

It may not seem like much, but it can mean so much more to them! Offering a seat to someone else is a minor act, but everyone likes being offered a seat on a crowded bus. So you never know, it could make someone’s day.

26. Offer to help carry groceries for an older person.

It does not take much more effort than holding the door open for someone, but it can make all the difference! So if you see someone struggling, offer to help out and be kind. You never know how much it could mean to them.


These are just 26 examples of things that you can do for others. So, be kind today! And enjoy the reactions that come your way in return! It feels great. All of these ideas are small acts that go a long way in making someone else feel better, and they can do wonders for you too.

Thank you for reading, now go and practice these kind gestures and share your comments below.