Paulo Coelho’s Alchemist is one of the most popular books in the self-improvement space. The book follows the journey of a young shepherd, Santiago, in his quest for treasure across the Egyptian desert. He meets an alchemist who teaches him life lessons that help him attain true happiness along his path.

1. Don’t let your past define you

Santiago’s journey starts with him being forced to leave his home at an early age. He is constantly reminded of this past throughout the book, but that doesn’t become his identity. Instead, the Alchemist teaches Santiago that he must be proactive about shaping his future instead of dwelling on the past.

2. Love what you do

For most people, money plays a major role in deciding what they would like to do for the rest of their lives. But not everyone is lucky enough to find an activity that can be turned into a lucrative business. The Alchemist points out that if your work is something you truly enjoy doing, then money will come with it as a secondary effect allowing you true happiness and peace of mind.

3. The world is what you make it to be

Everyone has the power to create their own destiny. Santiago’s personal road towards success and wealth was facilitated by kindness, honesty and following his heart. This allowed him to attract invaluable people in his life, like the Alchemist, the king of Salem and Fatima, a beautiful gypsy. 

4. It’s never too late to start over

The Alchemist starts with a young shepherd who has led a mediocre life until he has a major transformation. After going through this change, his entire future is decided for the better as new opportunities arise. Are you willing to go on such an adventure? Are you prepared to face it head-on when the time comes?

5. Life is short, seize the moment

Every day is filled with opportunities that allow us to reach our full potential. But fear and indecision often paralyze people preventing them from trying something new. The Alchemist teaches Santiago not to let this happen because life will be over before you know it! 

6. It’s good to have dreams

The Alchemist is a testament to the idea that if you dream big enough, anything is possible. Santiago’s impressive journey would not have been possible without his childhood dream of finding treasure in Egypt. If he hadn’t followed that dream, someone else surely would have found it instead!

7. You are the only person who can make yourself happy

You can surround yourself with friends and loved ones all you want, but ultimately you are the only person who can make yourself happy. The Alchemist reminds us that this is a difficult process because it involves taking action instead of just thinking about it. 

8. Don’t be afraid to take risks

The Alchemist teaches us that you can’t achieve many major opportunities in life without taking a little risk. Unfortunately, Santiago encounters many people who discourage him from going through with it throughout his quest to find treasure because of the risks involved. However, he stays true to himself and does what his heart tells him to do.

9. Things don’t always go as planned

The Alchemist follows a classic story structure – a hero goes on an adventure and faces all kinds of complications along the way until he finally achieves his goal. But, the Alchemist reminds us that nothing ever goes as planned. So, even if you fail at something, it’s important to pick yourself up and keep going!

10. Act with courage

To achieve success, you need to be brave enough to take chances, courageous enough to see your dreams come true and confident enough in yourself to persevere through the tough times. The Alchemist is an invaluable source of advice because he is at once both wise and young. His age allows him to relate more easily with Santiago’s problems, mainly related to growing up.

11. The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for your wits to grow sharper

The Alchemist stresses the idea that success requires much more than just hard work. You need to think fast on your feet and respond appropriately to every situation life throws at you. Santiago learns this lesson the hard way when his problems are solved with ease after he starts listening to his heart.

12. Love is the best fuel for your dreams

The Alchemist teaches us that love can be found in all forms – family, friends or even a lover’s embrace. Santiago’s grandfather demonstrates this when he sacrifices time with his grandson to find the treasure for him. The Alchemist himself reminds us that “when you want something to happen, the whole universe will conspire so that your wish comes true.” 

13. There’s no harm in asking

At the beginning of The Alchemist, Santiago is shy and unassuming. He has trouble communicating with others and often lets his fears hold him back from achieving his dreams. However, he learns to overcome these obstacles by asking for help and not taking risks.

14. Your destination does not matter, it is the journey that counts

The Alchemist teaches us that your path will never be easy, and at times you might even get sidetracked from what you’re supposed to do in life. Santiago receives this message when he changes his mind about going to the pyramids and goes towards Tangiers instead. However, this is a minor setback that he learns from pretty quickly.

15. Accept failure as an opportunity

Life would be incredibly boring if you achieved success after success without taking any risk along the way! The Alchemist warns us that failure should not discourage us from following our dreams – it should only make us stronger and more determined to achieve them.

16. The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page

The Alchemist teaches us that we can often find the most valuable lessons through our interactions with other people. Unfortunately, many of us stay cooped up in our rooms out of fear or insecurity. The Alchemist urges us to get out there and live life to the fullest!


The Alchemist is a beautiful story which at its core, represents the idea that you should always stay true to yourself! It encourages us to travel, take risks, keep our minds open and be adventurous in every aspect of our lives.

What are your favourite lessons from The Alchemist? Please share them with us below.