Declutter Your Mind by S. J. Scott and Barrie Davenport is a book that talks about the reasons for lack of focus in our lives and how to overcome them. This book will help you get rid of the things that are pulling your attention away from what’s truly important, prioritize people over things and minimize the distractions in life.

Life is full of distractions that can easily take up our time and attention, keeping us stuck in the loop. The question then is how to stop this loop? How can we focus on what’s really important?

In this book, you’ll discover ten straightforward ways to declutter your mind and start focusing on the things that matter the most. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom who wants to carve out time for yourself or an entrepreneur trying to manage multiple projects at once, these tips will help you do it.

You’ll also learn how to overcome the resistance that accompanies every new habit, dust off your motivation skills, and build self-discipline.

1. Declutter Your Mind to Focus on What Matters Most

It all starts with knowing what’s distracting us from being productive, happy individuals. So the first thing you need to do is to take a good look around you and ask yourself the following questions:

Why am I doing this? First, you need to have a clear idea of all your daily responsibilities. If you don’t, how can you know what’s important and what needs your attention? Second, get things in order and remind yourself of your most pressing tasks to avoid missing any deadlines.

What do I really want? Sometimes, we’re too focused on doing things that aren’t truly important and consequently lose sight of what we actually need. We take the easy route and just go with the flow without considering our long-term goals and desires. It would help if you made a conscious effort to avoid distractions and to do the things that will take you closer to your dreams.

Where am I headed? You need to have a clear path set out before you to be productive and efficient in life. Things will get messy if everyone is doing their own thing without any regard for what needs to be done first and foremost. Make sure that everyone – yourself included – is on the same page and understands what needs to be done, in what order, and by when.

2. Overcome Distractions with Minimalism

When you’re surrounded by unnecessary things that pull your attention away from what’s truly important, it’s near impossible to keep track of everything. One thing will definitely lead to another, and before you know it, your schedule is going to be full.

How can you avoid this? The answer lies in minimalism. By keeping things simple, you’ll have more time for what matters most to you. This doesn’t mean that everything has to look spartan around the house or at work; just make sure that the essentials take up most of your time. By focusing on the things that truly matter, you’ll be able to finish them faster and, at the same time, leave enough room for anything unexpected that may pop up along the way.

3. Prioritize People Over Things

Your home is full of stuff, but who do you go back to at the end of the day? It’s your family – the people who have been there for you. They’ve seen you at your best and worst, they know all about what makes you tick, and they’re always supportive of whatever it is that you want to achieve in life.

Why then do we prioritize things over those close to us? It could be because we see them every day and don’t notice the changes. It’s only when people are gone that we realize what we’ve lost.

You can avoid this by making time for your family, friends, and other people who matter in your life. When you do, make sure to give them your undivided attention; listen to their concerns; and act with kindness, understanding, and love.

4. Don’t Give Up So Easily

New things are hard to break into because of all the resistance that comes along with them. So whether it’s a new diet or an exercise routine, there will be times when you’ll feel that nothing is happening even though you’re working your butt off.

Why? It’s easy to get discouraged when you’ve been doing something for days, weeks, months – even years – and haven’t gotten the results you were hoping for. It takes time to see any changes, and this is why you need to remind yourself why you’re going after it in the first place. Remember that your dedication and persistence will pay off, no matter how long it takes.

5. Be More Mindful of What You Consume

One thing always leads to another. If you spend all day in front of your computer scrolling through social media feeds, the chances are that you’ll eat more than when you’re doing something else like watching TV or reading a book.

Why? Because you’re passively watching/reading things which makes it easier for your brain to justify nomming on junk food.

How can you avoid this? It’s not about forcing yourself to do something that you’re really not into; it’s about changing the way you look at things and seeing them in a different light. Limit yourself to a few posts a day instead of consuming everything that pops up in your social media feed. If you’re going to binge-watch something on TV, choose a documentary over the latest action movie with car chases and shootouts.

6. Lower Your Standards

You don’t need to be the best at everything you do. But, by lowering your standards, you’ll give yourself a chance to explore different things and discover what it is that truly interests you.

How can you lower your standards without feeling like you’ve wasted all this time? You choose quality over quantity. Instead of chasing after the best possible outcome in every situation, focus on the process instead. Engage fully and immerse yourself in the experience. The outcome will then take care of itself.

7. Keep Things as Free from Commitment as Possible

You don’t have to be the best at everything you do – and neither should other people expect you to be so. So make sure to keep things as free from commitment as possible so that you can easily switch from one thing to another.

How can you do this? Think small. The bigger the project, the longer it will take from your life, and the harder it will be to transition into a new pursuit when you get bored with what you were doing in the first place.

8. Don’t Worry if You Can’t Keep Up with Everyone Else

There are always going to be people who are more successful, healthier, and better-looking than you. That’s just life.

Why then do we let the accomplishments of others make us feel bad about ourselves? It doesn’t matter what someone else is doing because it has nothing to do with you. What matters is where you’re going and how well you can get there.

9. You Can’t Please Everyone

You can never make everyone happy because there will always be people who see things differently from you and have their own way of doing things. Just imagine if someone thought that your way was the wrong way… How would this make you feel? Probably not very good, right?

That’s why it’s better not to please everyone and just do what feels right for you.

10. Take Care of Yourself First

Why should you put yourself first? After all, wouldn’t it be selfish to do so? But, no, it would actually be selfish not to take care of yourself because that means that you’re at the risk of burning out, which means that you won’t be able to help anyone else.

If you’re exhausted and drained, take a step back and ask yourself what you can do to recharge. Maybe it’s time for a vacation or simply some alone time with your favourite book and a cup of tea.

When we focus on taking care of others without having taken care of ourselves, we end up feeling resentful and frustrated because we know that we’re not in the best condition to be of service to others.

Conclusion: Declutter Your Mind by S. J. Scott and Barrie Davenport

Although it isn’t always easy to put yourself first, living with regrets is even more difficult. You’d wish that you had given yourself more time to do something for yourself (or for others) if you ended up burning out.

If there’s one thing that your 20s have taught you, it’s that they’re filled with uncertainties and changes. One minute everything is going smoothly. The next minute, everything is falling apart at the seams. It’s also in your 20s where most people begin to question what they’re doing, why they’re doing it, and whether or not they’ve made the right choice.

What can you do to ensure that your life doesn’t fall into disarray during these times of change? First, you need to learn how to handle yourself under pressure and let go of certain things that aren’t working for you anymore to make room for new and better opportunities.