Who Moved my Cheese? by Spencer Johnson is a short, parable-style story about two characters, Hem and Haw.

Upon finding out that there is a change in their cheese supply (namely, it has run out), they experience different stages of adjustment. Throughout the book, the authors explore what each character does to adjust to this change and provide several life lessons to take away from the whole situation.

After reading this short book, I took the time to reflect on the main points and lessons that they wanted readers to take away from it. These can be applied to many different areas of life and mainly deal with adjusting and coping with change:

1. Proactively look for changes in your life.

We all know that change is inevitable, whether at work, in our relationships, or within ourselves. However, the problem occurs when we fail to anticipate this for ourselves and end up completely surprised by it.

This surprise can lead to frustration, anger, or even depression. The best way to solve this issue is to be proactive about changes in your life. By anticipating the changes that are bound to happen, you will plan ahead of time and pre-adjust your life.

2. Change is usually for the better (or it wouldn’t be happening).

Many times people get upset about change because they perceive it as bad or negative. However, this feeling usually comes from how we perceive change and not from the actual change itself. If we take a step back and objectively analyse the situation, we might realize that what is happening may actually be better for us in the long run.

3. Acceptance = peace of mind (and healthier relationships).

It’s much easier to adjust to changes when we accept them rather than resent them. This is because acceptance lets us go off the pain and anger associated with change and frees up our time and energy to focus on moving forward rather than dwelling in the past.

4. Stress-inducing variables (attitudes) are more critical than stress-inducing events (catastrophes).

What we choose to get stressed about is more important than what might be stressing us out. Despite any given situation, our attitudes towards it are crucial to approaching the change and dealing with it. For example, you might not get upset if your best friend moves away because you’re able to focus on the bigger picture of life.

However, you might have a different reaction to this change if your friend moved away because of an argument that you had. The difference here is that one event involves a life-changing circumstance, while the other involves a conflict between two people. Which do you think would be more likely to cause stress and anxiety?

5. You can’t control everything.

Realizing we can’t control everything reduces stress and gives us more peace of mind. We already have enough to control in our lives without adding on everything that we think might happen. Unfortunately, this way of thinking may actually make things worse because the possibility of them happening is always there, which distracts us from focusing on what’s really important.

6. A change in perspective can change your feelings.

Your feelings don’t always reflect reality, so it’s important to re-evaluate them when needed. For example, this means that if you’re experiencing negative emotions about a change in your life, you should think about how the situation can be perceived differently and thus affect your emotions positively.

7. Look for what you’re grateful for (and give the best effort you can to a situation).

Appreciation is often a great source of happiness and motivation to carry on. It’s also a good reminder that we have more to be grateful for than what we’re currently experiencing as ‘problems.’ This realization allows us to fully commit ourselves to whatever task or circumstance we’re dealing with because we feel like we have something to lose.

8. Changing what you can and accepting what you can’t is necessary for peace of mind and growth.

This step allows us to let go of our old fears and attachments so that we’re able to fully commit ourselves to the changes in front of us with an open heart and mind, rather than with scepticism and doubt.

9. Old patterns, routines, and comfort zones are friends that can keep us stuck in life.

Old habits play a role in limiting or inhibiting our growth because they allow us to stay the same despite any change around us. Therefore, it’s essential to have an open mind towards new experiences so that we can truly grow as people.

10. Growth is a choice, not a result.

It’s essential to keep an open mindset towards learning and growing each day because it allows us to be proactive rather than reactive in life. As long as you make the best effort that you can towards any given situation, you’ll be able to experience the benefits.

Conclusion: Moved my Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

These life lessons remind us that despite any given situation, we have the power to choose how we respond and how we let it affect us. If you’re able to do this successfully, you’ll be able to live a more peaceful and happy life.