John Rockefeller was born in 1839 to a con artist father and a pious mother. He grew up being taught that money was the root of all evil, but he soon found himself drawn to it anyway. After an unsuccessful stint in business, John began investing in oil refining when no one else would. As a result, his company grew into Standard Oil Company, which controlled 90% of American crude oil production by the 1880s.

John’s legacy is complicated: many believe his ruthless pursuit for wealth led to monopolies in America. In contrast, others laud him as “the world’s richest man” who built up much philanthropic work during his lifetime.

In this blog post, we look at some famous quotes from John D. Rockefeller and how we can implement them in different aspects of our lives.

1. “Do you see that man over there? He’s going to be a very important man in this town someday.”

This is how John D. Rockefeller met Charles Pratt, who later became one of his most trusted friends and business associates. Observing people thoroughly will help you understand what they like and their interests. It will also help you connect with people effectively.

2. “There is only one side to the stock market, and it is not the bull side or the bear side, but the right side.”

Successful investing doesn’t just consist of a set of rules that you should implement into your life. Successful investors have a mindset that helps them do it right. John D. Rockefeller has attended business seminars with Benjamin Graham, who was the first millionaire on Wall Street.

3. “It’s all just a matter of confidence.”

John D. Rockefeller is often quoted as saying that success in any line of work comes down to your level of confidence or self-belief. People with a strong positive mindset and the drive to succeed will cultivate their confidence over time.

4. “Do not be afraid of enemies who attack you. Be afraid of the friends who flatter you.”

This quote reminds us that we should focus on our values and do what is right instead of seeking approval from others. A person who is constantly trying to impress every person he encounters will find it difficult to be genuine at all times.

5. “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”

This quote about tenacity and perseverance encourages us not to be complacent. While it’s important to set goals, it’s also equally important to take action toward achieving them.

6. “There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your way.”

The most important thing that everyone should have in their lives is exercising autonomy over what they do and how they do it. We all deserve to lead the life that we want, and we should never be forced to do anything we wouldn’t like.

7. “I would rather earn 1% off 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my efforts.”

This quote relates to an important concept called collective ownership and how it can be advantageous for everyone involved. In a way, John D. Rockefeller acquired great wealth by establishing companies with his partners instead of starting businesses on his own.

8. “Gentlemen, my decision is final. The University will be built at once.”

This quote pertains to the power of having conviction in your decisions and sticking with them no matter what. Of course, having an open mind is important, but having the ability to make decisions quickly and decisively is equally crucial for making strides in your life.

9. “I would rather be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.”

This quote emphasizes the importance of being ready for any challenge that may come your way. In a sense, it’s better to face an obstacle when you’re prepared for it than face it unexpectedly and have to scramble for ways to deal with the problem.

10. “Competition is a sin.”

John D. Rockefeller was known to create huge companies that dominated their market segments during his time. However, he was also known for his sense of fairness, allowing companies to buy out smaller ones when it makes business sense to do so.

11. “You can’t get wealthy in business by making somebody else rich.”

This quote speaks about the importance of creating value and not just focusing on earning more money than your peers. This is an important principle of investors because they usually look to put their money in companies that show steady growth and long-term potential.

12. “I believe it is a duty I owe to my fellow men to get all the money I can, fairly and honestly, and I believe I must give all that I can.”

This quote emphasizes the importance of following your beliefs and values. John D. Rockefeller was already a successful man with all the money he could ever want, but he still gave away most of his wealth later on in life for charity purposes.

13. “It is more difficult to organize a church than a railroad, but we have organized a railroad.”

This quote about the different aspects of organizing refers to the fact that it is much easier to create something from scratch instead of making changes and improvements on an already existing product. In a sense, this relates to John D. Rockefeller’s success as an investor because he never started companies from scratch; instead, he chose to buy them out when they were already established.

14. “If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”

This quote might sound like something said by a teenager who just discovered the concept of individuality for the first time. Still, it’s an important reminder about the importance of different perspectives and viewpoints. No matter how smart you are, it never hurts to have a second opinion on things.

15. “I do not think that the real life of any boy or girl begins until he or she is at least fourteen years old.”

This quote pertains to John D. Rockefeller’s feelings about children being too young to join working environments where they would be required to do certain tasks that involve heavy labour. It is important to note that, even though he was an incredibly successful businessman, his priority was always children’s well-being and childhoods.

16. “I prefer to think of business as a competition between intelligence and ignorance.”

This quote reflects one of John D. Rockefeller’s beliefs about business. Clever business people would overcome the challenges they face, while those less intelligent will fail to deal with them properly.

17. “Life is short, and its work lies in doing.”

This quote encourages people not to spend their time idly because you never know when your last day maybe. But, on the other hand, it also encourages people to do more with their lives by making the most every day.

18. “Our only danger is our failure to carry forward in all departments of life.”

This is one of John D. Rockefeller’s feelings about American business in general – the idea that there are always new tasks for them to complete. He always said there was no reason to stop in case you’re already successful in one field because it’s never too late to start over and do something completely new.

19. “I have made many millions, but they have brought me no happiness.”

This quote essentially sums up the idea of having too much money and not needing it to be happy. So in a sense, this is a warning about the dangers of greed and having more money than you know what to do with.

20. “I have been as sincere as any man in doing my duty.”

This final quote from John D. Rockefeller sums up his entire philosophy – that your work will always speak for itself, so you should never feel the need to boast about it. After all, if your work is good enough, people will notice it, and any boasting would be unnecessary.