Sergey Brin’s story is one of a kind. Born in Moscow, Russia and raised in the Soviet Union until age six, Sergey moved to America. He attended public schools and studied at Stanford University before co-founding Google Inc., which became the world’s dominant search engine.

In this blog post, we look at some famous quotes from Sergey Brin and how we can implement them in different aspects of our lives.

1. “You can’t unscramble an egg.”

This quote is a warning that no matter what you do, some things cannot be put back to the way they were before. It serves as Brin’s analogy for life, which he feels can never be completely undone or rewound. It acts as a statement on the importance of making decisions and accepting their consequences.

2. “There are many exciting theoretical issues to work on, but there’s much more urgency in practical problems… I guess it’s always been true that the most useful thing I could do would be to help improve the lives of millions of people.”

This quote by Sergey Brin helps us understand his working philosophy and why he decided to start Google. He worked on the problem of internet search, which according to him, is a practical, useful and fundamental problem in need of improvement. This quote inspires us to look for such fundamental problems in our lives and work on them to improve the world we live in.

3. “With great power comes great responsibility.”

This famous quote by Benjamin Parker, aka Spiderman’s Uncle Ben, is one of the most popular quotes ever. This quote inspires us to know that we all have to deal with certain responsibilities in our lives because everything has its consequences. Furthermore, it reminds us of the importance of making conscious and informed decisions and acting with integrity.

4. “The goal is to move beyond the bubble of Silicon Valley and to make the world a better place through technology. That’s what we’re all trying to do, in different ways … If you think about the problems you want to focus on, if you spend time understanding them deeply, you’ll probably get more ideas of things to do … After you’ve exhausted all the low-hanging fruit, then you need a deeper understanding of a problem. And that’s when it gets really interesting.”

This quote by Sergey Brin shows us how he looks at problems and tries to solve them. He points out the importance of low-hanging fruit and what happens when you’ve already picked all of them. This quote also shows us how he can innovate by looking at the simpler problems of life and breaking them down into smaller pieces before solving them.

5. “People can’t live without water. Getting potable water to people who need it is a pretty good thing. Water is scarce in many parts of the world. Still, it’s also abundantly available … So you have to do technology because the water issue is delivery, not access or quality or price.”

This quote by Sergey Brin shows us how he thinks about problems and tries to solve them using technology. For example, he points out how water is important for life and needs to be made available in ample quantities across the globe so it can become a basic human right. The idea of using technology to solve the water crisis resonates with his founding philosophy of Google, which was to make the world’s information accessible to everyone.

6. “I do science because there are things that are interesting that you could work on that can maybe make the world a better place.”

This quote by Sergey Brin shows us how he tries to do good in the world using science. He clearly states why he went into computer science and loved it so much, “because of problems”. This quote inspires us to enjoy the process of solving problems and doing good in the world.

7. “I always thought if you wanted to change the world, that was where you needed to go. I read a lot about particle physics at Stanford, and all these professors were talking about how they had this accelerator or that facility, but there was never an outcome. It was just esoteric – and I didn’t see the connection to the real world.”

Sergey Brin’s quote clearly shows us where his passion lies and how he came up with Google as a solution and outlet for his technological ideas. He wanted to create something that mattered in people’s lives and decided to solve the problems he wanted to do. This quote inspires us to find the problem we are passionate about solving and commit fully to it, doing whatever it takes to make a difference in the world!

8. “To me, coming up with an invention or innovation isn’t that difficult. It’s identifying something that is missing in people’s lives, figuring out a way to solve the problem, and then building a product.”

This quote by Sergey Brin shows us how he thinks about an invention or innovation. He points out that all it takes is to identify a problem and provide a solution to make our lives easier. This quote makes us think about what problems we come across every day and a solution to them. We can adopt a similar approach as Sergey Brin and take small steps every day towards making the world a better place!

9. “I think that going outside is one of the best things you can do – especially when you’re stuck inside. If you’re in a car, then stop at a park … You have to get out of your car.”

This quote by Sergey Brin shows us how important being outdoors is for health and wellness, especially when you live in a city like California, where it’s sunny all year round! This quote gives us that extra push to go outside instead of staying indoors on our computers or phones. It also reminds us to go out of our way and explore the world around us, which Sergey Brin did when he travelled through India by himself!

10. “A normal person might spend their weekend just hanging around or going to see a movie, but I’m still so excited about the work that I do it on weekends too.”

This quote by Sergey Brin shows us how passionate he is about his work and what he does throughout the week, instead of just doing it for money. This passion comes across in his work at Google, where he’s dedicated to making technology accessible everywhere! It also inspires us to find something we’re truly passionate about and do it even in our free time to motivate ourselves and gain energy.

Let’s look at the life of another person who wants to solve big problems by creating new technologies, Elon Musk!

11. “I think ordinary people can choose to be extraordinary.”

Elon Musk wants to make space exploration accessible to everyone like Sergey Brin wants to make technology accessible. This quote by Sergey Brin makes us believe that it’s possible for “ordinary people” like us to do extraordinary things and solve big problems in the world! This quote inspires us to follow our dreams and change the world to a better place using science and technology, just like Sergey Brin and Elon Musk!

12. “It’s OK to have your eggs in one basket as long as you control what happens to that basket.”

This quote by Sergey Brin makes us think about our own lives, the energy we put into it, and how much of an impact we want to make with it! He’s saying that as long as you know what to do with your “basket”, make sure it’s safe and under control, you’ll be fine. This quote inspires us to find our passion for what we want to do in life and work hard towards achieving that dream!

13. “I think it’s very important to have a feedback loop, where you’re constantly thinking about what you’ve done and how you could be doing it better.”

This quote by Sergey Brin shows us his continuous desire to improve and learn from his mistakes! As we know, Google is an ever-evolving company that always tries to do its best for its users. This quote inspires us to be our best, learn from our mistakes and keep moving forward to reach our goals!

14. “I’ve always been interested in technology. I’ve never really thought about any other profession.”

This quote by Sergey Brin tells us about his love for computers and technology, which he studied in school at the University of Maryland. It also shows how he’s always been interested in computers and technology, which made him become the CEO of Google! This quote shows us that we don’t have to think about other professions and do whatever we love for a living. Even though Sergey Brin was pretty young when he started his career at Google, it still inspired many students to become engineers and follow their dreams!

15. “I think as technologists, we should have some safe places where we can try out new things and figure out the effect on society early on without causing any damage.”

This quote by Sergey Brin tells us how important it is for companies to test new technologies before they’re available for everyone and everything around us! Sergey Brin is saying that we need to take caution and be careful with the new technologies we’re creating so they don’t negatively affect society. As students, this quote inspires us to think about how our future inventions can impact people’s lives!

16. “In the future, information will be organized by computers so much better than humans can do it.”

This quote by Sergey Brin makes us think about how technology is evolving and that there will be more efficient ways of doing things in the future than ever before! This quote inspires us to keep up with these changes and study science and math skills to be the best in our fields!

17. “By providing easy access to the world’s information, we hope to empower people everywhere to achieve more .”

This quote by Sergey Brin inspires us to use Google Search and other Google products (such as Android) to learn anything we want about anything! This quote shows us that Google can give us access to any information we want and that we should use it to “achieve more.” This quote inspires us to learn, explore our interests and know anything we want to become the best version of ourselves!