J.K. Rowling has been a writer, an actress, and most famously known as the author of ” Harry Potter.” 

J.K. Rowling’s life reminds us that we all have the power within us, and with hard work, you can achieve anything! However, it takes determination for any dream or goal to come true.  

But if there were ever someone who knows how it feels on both ends of this spectrum from their journey, then it would be her: “you never know what your limitations are until they’re overcome.” 

So, the following are life-changing lessons from J.K. Rowling to make you successful in your own life.

1. Set high goals

Think big and dream of the most extraordinary things! Try to achieve your wildest dreams. Rowling, since a very young age, always had a wild imagination. She would stay up all night thinking about new characters and stories. From an early age, she set her mind on being a writer and achieving it no matter the cost.

She ignored everyone who told her that writing fantasy novels was not a good idea, especially for young adults. Rowling didn’t let anyone tell her what she couldn’t do or would fail at. No matter how many doors were slammed in her face or how many publishers rejected ” Harry Potter,” she kept ongoing.

2. Focus on the positive

Rowling herself says that “there is always something positive out of everything negative.” So no matter how bad things may seem in your life, remember there are multiple ways to look at them. Find the silver lining in every cloud, and you will see that things can change for the better.

She was a single mother living in poverty, so she could have been discouraged from all the negative things she saw. But instead, Rowling stayed positive and always looked for ways to improve her situation. As a result, she found a way to look at her struggles differently and be grateful for what she did have in life.

3. Don’t let failure bring you down

If you fail, stand up and try again! J.K. Rowling never let her failures stop her from dreaming even bigger. She was rejected multiple times for ” Harry Potter” before it was finally published by a small London based publishing house, Bloomsbury. Not only that, but she once said to herself that failure is just a stepping stone to getting what you want.

Failure is a part of learning, and it’s how we learn new things in life. It helps us find out what works and doesn’t work for us, so keep trying even if you have failed many times before.

4. Be kindhearted

Be kind to yourself and others! J.K. Rowling is a shining example of how being kind will get you far in life. She has been an inspiration to many people due to her positive messages and sheer determination to be successful. 

No matter who you are or where you come from, everyone deserves a helping hand in some way, at least once in their lifetime. If everyone was kinder to each other, think of all the amazing things we could accomplish together.

5. Hard work pays off

It may seem like some people have a life that’s charmed, and nothing bad ever happens to them. But Rowling is a prime example that it takes hard work and dedication no matter where you’re from or what your situation is.

She worked multiple jobs to support her children and herself while writing ” Harry Potter” at night. Rowling shows us that we should never give up on our dreams no matter how impossible they seem and remember nothing is out of our reach if we put in the effort for it.

6. Believe on the inside

Believe in yourself and never give up on yourself! Rowling is a shining example of how to believe inside and outside. When she started as an author, publishers told her that young people would not read fantasy books about wizards and boarding schools.

Everyone has their own opinion of you, but you decide to consider that or not. Rowling believed in herself and knew she could accomplish her dreams even if no one else did. So when it comes down to the last few minutes of something you’ve worked very hard on, do you give up or stand by your work?

7. Do what makes you happy

Do whatever makes your heart swell and put a smile on your face. Rowling knows a thing or two about this, being that she has been an author for most of her life. Creating stories has always brought her joy, and it shows in all of her hard work.

Sometimes we get so caught up with making everyone else happy. We forget to make ourselves happy too. Rowling has learned that working on projects you love makes life better. We should all take a page from her book and do whatever it is we love instead of settling for less.

8. Dream Big!

Don’t put a limit on what you think you can accomplish! It seems so many people have dreams they never see come to fruition because they have put limits on themselves. Rowling has not only been an amazing author, but she has created a billion-dollar franchise from ” Harry Potter.”

Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and cannot accomplish! Instead, dream big and go out there and get it. But remember to be smart about your decisions, so nothing backfires on you in the future.

9. Stay true to yourself

Stay true to who you are, whether others like it or not! Rowling is the epitome of staying true to herself no matter what everyone else thinks about her. She’s gone through many hardships and has decided that the only people she needs in her life are the ones who support her.

Yes, Rowling has gone through some hard times, but it made her who she is today, and that’s something to be proud of. You should never let anyone tell you how you are supposed to act or talk or dress. People will constantly judge you no matter what, so don’t worry about trying to please them all the time.

Harry Potter: The Power Within Us All

JK Rowling’s success story is one of bravery, dedication and believing in yourself. But, most importantly, her story shows us the importance of setting goals for your future.

If you want to be successful in life, remember that there are no limitations on what you can do except the ones you set for yourself. Rowling’s life can teach us many lessons, but her most important message is to never give up on our dreams, no matter how impossible they seem.

J.K. Rowling