Making money blogging is a great way to earn income from the comfort of your own home. You don’t need any special skills or training, just time and dedication. But what are some ways you can get started? This guide will walk you through the process from start to finish: from setting up your blog to making sales and growing an audience. By the end of this post, you’ll know how to start earning money with a blog!

How to Make Money Blogging in 2022

  1. Money-First: What are the Ways a Blog Can Earn You Money?
  2. The Process of Starting a Blog?

Step 1: Select a Niche

Step 2: Create a Blog

a) Blogging platform

(i) WordPress

(ii) Blogger

(iii) Tumblr

b) Choosing a hosting provider

c) Domain name

Step 3: Now Create valuable content that people will want to read.

Step 4: Build your email list as you create content for your blog.

Step 5: Use your email list to make money from your blog.

Step 6: Grow your following on social media for more engagement with your audience.

Step 7: Optimize SEO for more organic traffic to your blog posts.


Money-First: What are the Ways a Blog Can Earn You Money?

There are a few different ways to make money from blogging:

1. Advertisements

One way to monetize your blog is through advertisements. You can work with ad networks (such as Adsense, Ezoic,, Adsterra, etc.) or directly with brands to place ads on your site. When a reader clicks on an ad, you earn money. The amount you earn depends on the type of ad and the network you’re working with.

2. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is another way to generate income from your blog. You can promote products or services that you use and love, and earn a commission on every sale. For example, if you have a fashion blog, you could promote clothes from a specific brand and earn a percentage of every sale made.

3. Sponsored posts

If you have a large and engaged audience, you can also work with brands on sponsored posts. This is where a company pays you to write about their product or service on your blog. The amount you earn depends on your reach and the quality of your content.

4. Products and services

Another way to make money from your blog is by selling products or services. This could be anything from e-books and online courses to physical products like jewelry or home decor. If you have a product or service that you think your audience would love, this is a great way to earn some extra income!

5. Consulting

If you’re an expert in a particular field, you can also offer consulting services through your blog . This could be anything from social media coaching to business advice. Rates for consulting services vary depending on your experience and the scope of the project.

The Process of Starting a Blog?

Step 1: Select a Niche

The first step in starting a blog is to select a niche. This is the topic that you’ll be writing about on your blog. When selecting a niche, it’s important to choose something that you’re passionate about and that you think there is a demand for. For example, if you’re interested in fashion, you could start a fashion blog. Or if you’re interested in fitness, you could start a fitness blog. There are endless possibilities when it comes to choosing a niche for your blog.

You should choose a niche that:

  • Is something that truly interests and excites you. If it doesn’t interest or excite you, chances are no one else will find your content interesting either!
  • Is something that interests and excites others as well (think of topics like “how-to guide on eating healthy foods while still being able to afford them”).
  • Is something related directly or indirectly to what people search online (think “tips & tricks when planning your wedding”).

Step 2: Create a Blog

As a newbie, you will need three things to create a blog:

  1. Blogging platform
  2. Hosting
  3. Domain
  4. Content

a) Blogging platform

A blogging platform is a software or service that you will use to create and manage your blog. WordPress, Medium, and Tumblr are all examples of popular blogging platforms.

When selecting a blogging platform, it’s important to choose one that is user-friendly and offers features that fit your needs. For example, if you want to be able to customize the design of your blog, you’ll want to choose a platform that allows for this. If you’re not interested in managing a lot of technical details, you’ll want to choose a platform that takes care of these things for you.

WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr are all great platforms for creating a blog. Each has its own Pros and Cons, so it’s important to select the platform that’s right for you.

Here are some of the things you need to know about the blogging platforms

(i) WordPress


  • WordPress is a very popular platform with a lot of features and flexibility
  • WordPress is free to use
  • WordPress is easy to use and learn
  • There are a lot of plugins and themes available for WordPress
  • You can find support easily if you need help


  • WordPress can be slow if you have a lot of plugins installed
  • WordPress sites are often the target of hackers
  • WordPress can be difficult to use if you’re not familiar with it

(ii) Blogger


  • Blogger is a popular platform that’s been around for a long time
  • Blogger is free to use
  • Blogger is easy to use and learn
  • Blogger has a lot of features and flexibility
  • You can find support easily if you need help


  • Blogger can be slow if you have a lot of plugins installed
  • Blogger sites are often the target of hackers
  • Blogger can be difficult to use if you’re not familiar with it

(iii) Tumblr


  • Tumblr is a popular platform that’s been around for a long time
  • Tumblr is free to use
  • Tumblr is easy to use and learn
  • Tumblr has a lot of features and flexibility
  • You can find support easily if you need help


  • Tumblr can be slow if you have a lot of plugins installed
  • Tumblr sites are often the target of hackers
  • Tumblr can be difficult to use if you’re not familiar with it

Other Popular Blogging platforms include: Weebly, Wix, and Squarespace

Advise: If you are new at this and you want to do this long-term, choose WordPress and you will thank me later.

b) Choosing a hosting provider

The next step is to choose a hosting provider. A hosting provider is a company that will provide you with the technology and services needed to get your blog on the internet.

Some of the things you’ll want to consider when choosing a hosting provider include:

  • Price: How much does the hosting provider charge? Are there any discounts or promotions available?
  • Reliability: Is the hosting provider reliable? Do they have a good reputation?
  • Customer support: Does the hosting provider have good customer support? Can you contact them easily if you need help?
  • Features: What features does the hosting provider offer? Do they offer everything you need?

There are a lot of great hosting providers out there, so it’s important to do your research and choose the one that’s right for you.

Examples of hosting providers: Bluehost, Dreamhost, Greengeeks, Hostgator, Pantheon, Kinsta, Cloudways, SiteGround, A2 Hosting, and Hostwinds.

c) Domain name

The next step is to choose a domain name for your blog. A domain name is the address people will use to access your blog. For example, the domain name for this blog is ““.

When choosing a domain name, you’ll want to keep a few things in mind:

  • Keep it short and easy to remember
  • Make sure it’s relevant to your blog’s topic
  • Avoid using hyphens or numbers
  • Check to see if the domain name is available

There are a lot of great domain name generators out there that can help you find a good domain name for your blog.

Examples of domain name generators: Namemesh, Dot-o-mator, Panabee, BustAName, and LeanDomainSearch.

Advice: I recommend using Bluehost as a hosting service. They will give you a free domain and make it easy to set up your blog with their one-click WordPress installation.

Step 3: Now Create valuable content that people will want to read.

The most important thing to do when you’re creating content for your blog is to create something that people will want to read. Whether it is useful, entertaining, educational, funny or thought-provoking – whatever it may be – if it creates value for the reader then they will keep coming back.

If people are happy with your product (content), they’ll tell their friends about it and recommend it on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. When this happens enough times over a long period of time then word starts getting around about your blog which increases traffic levels as well as bringing in some extra revenue through advertising or affiliate programs.

Ensure that you have a lot of blog articles on your blog. Where possible, produce 200+ articles.

Step 4: Build your email list as you create content for your blog.

As you create content for your blog, don’t forget to build your email list.

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to earn money from your blog. This doesn’t just mean collecting email addresses and sending out newsletters — it means building relationships with readers by sharing information they’ll find useful and offering them special perks in exchange for their trust and loyalty. Here are some suggestions on how to do that:

Your first goal should be getting people onto your newsletter list so you can communicate with them directly (and show off how awesome you are). There are two ways to do this: through pop-ups or landing pages. Pop-ups are those annoying windows that appear when someone tries to leave a site without subscribing; they’re usually positioned where it’s impossible not to see them (like when scrolling down), so use pop-ups sparingly if at all (especially if they’re super obnoxious).

Landing pages offer a more tailored experience where people can opt-in with ease—just make sure there aren’t any distractions like ads or other links taking away from what matters most: making it easy for people who want more info on what topics interest them most! For example, if someone buys an ebook about blogging tips then an automatic sign-up form should appear right after checkout since no one would expect anything else other than being able to learn more after purchase which could include things like additional bonuses or discounts depending on how much time has elapsed since purchase date…etcetera…

Step 5: Use your email list to make money from your blog.

If you’re looking for a quick way to make money from your blog, using your email list is a great option. This is because building and maintaining an email list gives you the opportunity to build relationships with readers.

Email marketing is all about trust, so when it comes time for someone to buy something from you, they feel more comfortable doing so because they already know and trust you.

The best way to grow your email list is by offering freebies in exchange for their name and email address (like an ebook or guide). When people sign up for these offers, don’t immediately try to sell them something—instead focus on getting them hooked on reading more of the content that got them interested in the first place!

The best time to make any sort of sales pitch will be when this person has already become familiar enough with what it means when they see information coming from your site or social media account (i.e., there’s some level of trust established).

Step 6: Grow your following on social media for more engagement with your audience.

  • Social media can be a powerful tool for engaging with your audience, promoting your content, building your brand, and growing your email list.
  • Use social media to engage with your audience. Social media is an excellent way to build relationships with others in the same industry as you, or people who have similar interests. It’s also a great way to interact directly with fans of your blog or business on a regular basis.
  • Use social media to promote your content. When you post about something new that you’ve created or written about, use hashtags that are relevant to what you’re sharing and put them in the first comment so people see them if they scroll down far enough on their feed! If someone shares one of my posts on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram (or whatever platform) then I’d want them talking about why they shared it – so I make sure there’s plenty of stuff there before hand!
  • Use social media like Instagram Stories because videos tend do better than photos when clicked through from other sources.”

Step 7: Optimize SEO for more organic traffic to your blog posts.

If you want to make money blogging in 2022 and beyond, optimize your blog posts for search engines.

Optimizing your content for search engines is called “search engine optimization” or “SEO.” It involves making sure that your blog posts are well-written, that their topics and keywords are relevant, and that they contain links to other high-quality websites (also known as “backlinks”).

This helps people find you when they search for those topics on Google or another search engine. If you optimize the content of your blog post, it will get ranked higher in Google’s results because it’s considered more valuable than other sites with less optimized content (or no optimized content at all). Blogs with optimized content tend to get more traffic from search engines—which means more viewers visiting them!


If you’re interested in blogging, but aren’t sure where to start or what kinds of opportunities are out there, this guide is for you. I believe that blogging can be a full-time job, a side hustle, or just something fun to do on your own time.

I started my blog as a hobby and quickly realized that it had the potential to become my main source of income. And now I make more money from my blog than from any other single source (including freelance writing).