If you’re using Gmail as your professional email address, you can upgrade to Google Workspace to get additional features like custom email addresses and increased storage. With a few clicks, you can set up your new account and be on your way to becoming a Google power user.

Step 1: Get started with Google Workspace

To set up your new account, go to the Google Workspace website and click on the “Get Started” button at the center of the page or top right button. This shall usher you to the next page where you add details about yourself and the number of employees and then select the region where the business is located.

 Step 2: Enter your Personal info

Here you need to enter your contact details such as your name and your current email address before pressing “Next”. Google will use this email address to contact you or the company’s contact person. Therefore, it is important to create an email address that can be used by the respective person in charge.

After that, Click on Next

Step 3: Business Domain Name

In this step, you shall be asked whether you have an existing domain name. If you don’t have one, you will be redirected to Google Domain names to create one.

However, if you have one, enter it here.

Step 4: Review the payment plans

Here you check and review the package to be purchased and the costs involved.

Normally, you will be issued with a Business starter plan during the initial 14 days trial period, after which you can upgrade if necessary.

Complete filling in the remaining pieces of information including the credit card details.

Step 5:Voila, your Google Workspace account has been Created!

Google shall show you that your Google Workspace has been created, but this is not yet the end, you still need to verify your domain name etc.

Continue to Set-up and you shall be led to the Admin console and press on “Next” to proceed t the verification step.

Step 6:  Verify the domain

During this step, Google needs to be sure that you are indeed the domain owner for the domain name provided. This will involve getting to the DNS records in your domain provider’s domain name settings.

Google shall provide a step by step guide on how to do this whereby it hall display to you the DNS records and guide you on where to paste them.

Step 7: Accessing DNS records

You need to open up the account where you registered your Domain name. For instance, if you had bought your domain from Namecheap.com, you will need to go to Namecheap, log in to your account and click on the domain names domain “manage” settings.

If you have a problem accessing your Domain’s DNS settings, you can check out the various tutorials offered on the same or contact the customer support of your domain registrar.

It may take a few minutes for the domain name to be verified, so be patient.

Step 8: Add users

Here, you can create accounts for your team/business members. If you are not yet ready for this, proceed to the next step which is “Activation”  and confirm that you have added all the users for now. Tick the checkboxes to confirm this and choose whether you might need to receive emails on the account before clicking on next.

Step 9: Delete your Old MX Records and Set New

If you had subscribed to your host’s email plans, you might need to delete your MX records in the DNS settings on your domain provider. after this step, proceed to set new MX records which will be provided. Paste them as instructed. There are about 4 MX records which will need to be entered individually, with their respective priority settings.

After that, press “activate email” after which Google will try verifying.

Step 10: Access other Apps

You are now done setting up your Google Workspace and Professional Email to your Gmail. You can other Workspace apps by pressing on the nine-tiny squares on the top right. Take your time to test each one out and see the result.

Step 11: Access Google Admin to get more Control of your Workspace

To do this, you need to go to admin.google.com. Here you have a variety of options on what to do including adding new users.

Why is there so Much Emphasis on Professional Emails in Google Workspace

To understand the importance of using professional emails, we need to understand the concept of differentiation in business. Essentially, differentiation is all about branding and signature. To understand this, let us use the analogy of some signature brands. For instance, what is the difference between Armani, Gucci, and Versace? What is the difference when a T-shirt is made by either of these brands?

Well, for starters, the three brands are known to produce high-quality, high-end products. For this reason, many customers love being affiliated with these brands.

Without these brand names and logos, people would be indifferent towards them.

In the case of using a custom domain, and custom email on Gmail, the same applies. People perceive emails from companies as being more legitimate than regular email domains.

What else do you Need to Know about Differentiation?

Differentiation in business is a strategy that helps companies stand out from the competition. It’s important because it helps the company focus on what sets them apart from their competitors.

Differentiation as a Business Strategy

Differentiation in business is the strategy of making your brand, product or service stand out from competitors by placing greater emphasis on factors like uniqueness, quality, or innovation. You might differentiate yourself by using different ingredients or manufacturing techniques, for example.

Differentiation is important because it helps direct the company’s marketing efforts toward those who are most likely to buy their products.

Differentiation is important because it helps the company focus on what sets them apart from the competition.

Differentiation is important because it allows businesses to focus on what sets them apart from the competition. When a company focuses on their unique selling proposition, they’re able to stay relevant in the minds of consumers. By staying ahead of the curve, differentiation can help companies get ahead of their competitors and become market leaders.

Benefits of Business Differentiation:

  • Business differentiation can increase your market share, which means that you have more customers in the industry.
  • If you differentiate yourself from other businesses, it will make your company stand out and seem more attractive to potential customers.
  • When you differentiate yourself from the competition, it makes it more likely that people will remember who you are and what sets your business apart from theirs. This can lead to increased customer retention rates, which are important for any kind of business to thrive over time because they give companies a steady stream of revenue instead of just one-time sales opportunities.
  • Differentiation also increases sales and profits because of higher brand loyalty among existing customers as well as new ones attracted by being able to tell themselves “I only buy products made by this company/manufacturer.” This leads us directly into our next benefit…

Competitive advantage;

You may be wondering, “What exactly is a competitive advantage?”

A competitive advantage is simply an advantage over your competitors, which allows you to be more profitable than they are and attract more customers.

There are different ways to create a competitive advantage. In some cases, a company can use its resources to beat out the competition (for example, by creating innovative products). However, in the case of differentiation, a company uses its skills to make its product or service more attractive than those of other companies.

Customer retention;

Customer retention is a key part of customer loyalty. When customers are happy with their experience, they’re more likely to come back, and when they know that you’ll be there to meet their needs tomorrow and next year, too, it’s easier for them to recommend you to their friends.

Customer retention means that your business has done the hard work of understanding what your customers need from you—and how often they need it—and then providing those products or services in a way that makes everyone happy. Think about all of the things who want from a restaurant: food that tastes good, service that is fast but not rushed (this can be tricky), an atmosphere where people feel comfortable eating alone or with others; these are all things that may seem obvious on the surface but aren’t always easy for businesses to provide consistently across all locations or even different days of the week at one location.

Business growth;

  • Business growth is closely linked to differentiation.
  • Differentiation drives business growth. A company can increase their revenue, market share, and customer base through differentiation.

In conclusion, business differentiation is a powerful strategy. It allows companies to focus on what sets them apart from their competition, which can lead to greater customer retention and growth.

FAQ on Google Workspace and Professional Email Addresses

Q: How do I create a professional email address with Gmail?

A: The process is simple. You need to have a domain name, which you can buy from a domain registrar such as Google Domains, GoDaddy, Namecheap, etc. Once you have the domain name, you need to set up a Google Workspace account and configure your DNS records with your domain provider to point to Google’s servers. After that, you can sign up for a Google Workspace account and create your professional email address.

Q: How much does it cost to set up a professional email address with Gmail?

A: The cost of setting up a professional email address with Gmail depends on the type of account you choose. A business starter Google Workspace account starts at $6 per user per month. A business standard Google Workspace account starts at $12 per user per month. A business plus Google Workspace account starts at $18 per user per month.

Q: How do I access my professional email address with Gmail?

A: You can access your professional email address with Gmail by going to the Gmail website and logging in with your professional email address and password. Alternatively, you can also set up your professional email address with Gmail on your mobile device or desktop computer by using the Gmail app or Microsoft Outlook.

Q: What are the benefits of setting up a professional email address with Gmail?

A: There are several benefits of setting up a professional email address with Gmail. First, it helps you brand your business and build trust with customers. Second, it gives you access to powerful email features such as Google Calendar, Google Drive, and Google Docs. Third, it allows you to manage your professional email address with ease. Finally, it helps you stay organized and keep track of important communications.

Q: What is a professional email address?

A: A professional email address is an email address that includes your business name or your brand. For example, if your name is John Smith and you own a company called XYZ Corporation, your professional email address might be [email protected] or [email protected].

Q: How do I choose a professional email address?

A: Choosing a professional email address is simple. First, you need to decide on the domain name for your business website. Once you have the domain name, you can set up a Google Workspace account and configure your DNS records with your domain provider to point to Google’s servers. After that, you can sign up for a Google Workspace account and create your professional email address.

Q: How much does it cost to set up a professional email address?

A: The cost of setting up a professional email address depends on the type of account you choose. A business starter Google Workspace account starts at $6 per user per month. A business standard Google Workspace account starts at $12 per user per month. A business plus Google Workspace account starts at $18 per user per month.

Q: How do I access my professional email address?

A: You can access your professional email address by going to the Gmail website and logging in with your professional email address and password. Alternatively, you can also set up your professional email address with Gmail on your mobile device or desktop computer by using the Gmail app or Microsoft Outlook.

Q: What are the benefits of setting up a professional email address?

A: There are several benefits of setting up a professional email address. First, it helps you brand your business and build trust with customers. Second, it gives you access to powerful email features such as Google Calendar, Google Drive, and Google Docs. Third, it allows you to manage your professional email address with ease.

Q: How do I set up a professional email address with Gmail?

A: You can set up your professional email address with Gmail by going to the Gmail website and logging in with your professional email address and password. Alternatively, you can also set up your professional email address with Gmail on your mobile device or desktop computer by using the Gmail app or Microsoft Outlook.

Q: What are the benefits of setting up a professional email address with Gmail?

A: There are several benefits of setting up a professional email address with Gmail. First, it helps you brand your business and build trust with customers. Second, it gives you access to powerful email features such as Google Calendar, Google Drive, and Google Docs. Third, it allows you to manage your professional email address with ease. Finally, it helps you stay organized and keep track of important communications.