An email domain is the part of your email address that comes after the “@” symbol. For example, if your name is John and your email address is [email protected], then is the email domain you use to send and receive emails from Gmail.

What is a Custom Email domain?

A custom email domain is an email address that ends in a unique, custom name. For example, [name]@[domain].com.

It’s like having your own personal email address that you can use to sign up for things online and share with friends. It’s also a great way to easily manage multiple emails at once—just like you might have different accounts for different aspects of your life: work, school, personal life, etc.

Businesses or organizations often use custom domains because they can be more memorable than generic addresses (like [email protected]). Using a custom domain can help you stand out from competitors and make it easier for people to find you on the web!

Many people don’t realize they can have a custom domain for their business emails, but it’s very easy to set up and doesn’t cost anything extra.

5 Ways on How to Get a Free Custom Email Domain?

  1. How to get A Custom Email Domain Using
  2. How to get A Custom Email Domain Using Zoho Mail
  3. How to get A Custom Email Domain Using Namecheap (Email Forwarding technique)
  4. How to Get a free email domain is easy with Bluehost.
  5. How to get A Custom Email Domain Using DreamHost

1. How to get A Custom Email Domain Using


  • Just your name

Benefits of using

  • Create up to 10 alias custom domains on one account
  • Cloud storage
  • Free and paid plans
  • Calendar to sync stuff
  • Android and IoS apps available


This is a simple and easy way to create an email address without having to pay for any domain or hosting. It costs nothing and you do not need any technical skills at all to complete the process.

  • To begin with, visit the website. While there, go to sign up.
  • Then you will need to choose from a catalog of pre-existing domain names that are available on the site. You can choose one that matches your needs or interests best which will make it easier for people who receive emails from you to remember it later on in case they forget your primary email address (if there is one).
  • Next up, fill in all of the details required by filling out information fields such as name, country, phone number (optional), etc… You can later on add an email avatar if desired but it is not mandatory.
  • Finally agree and create account by clicking “create account” button at bottom left corner of page once everything has been filled out properly inside form fields including captcha code field which must be entered correctly before submission process can continue without error codes showing up inside browser window display area.

2. How to get A Custom Email Domain Using Zoho Mail


  • An existing domain name
  • Existing email/twitter/facebook/linkedin account
  • A mobile phone number to receive text messages

Benefits of Using Zoho Mail

  • You can create multiple accounts on one domain name
  • There is a free forever plan
  • You get timely notifications on receiving mail
  • An administrator can easily control all emails in a business/organization


  • Sign up on the Zoho website using your preferred method.
  • Confirm your registration using the OTP message sent to your phone.
  • Add custom preferences for your email domain account.
  • Setup your email and add your domain name.

Note: You will need to configure your DNS settings in a way that makes Zoho use your domain name. You can check out this tutorial for a more indepth guide. And voila! Your email looks more professional. The DNS records might take time before they are configured.

3. How to get A Custom Email Domain Using Namecheap (Email Forwarding technique)


  • An existing domain on your namecheap account (if you don’t have one you can still buy a domain on Namecheap)
  • An existing email address ( Gmail address or any other service)


  • Its free
  • Its easy to set up
  • You can hide your real email address
  • The address looks professional


  • You cannot send emails using the customized email domain
  • This is a redirecting service therefore, the efficacy depends largely on your main email account’s standing


  1. Sign in to your Namecheap account and go to the Domain Manager page.
  2. Click on the Manage Domain button next to the domain name you wish to forward emails from.
  3. Click on Email Forwarding tab at the top of the page.
  4. Check Enable Email Forwarding box and enter an email address where you want emails from this domain forwarded:
  5. Enter another email address where you want emails from this domain forwarded again:
  6. Click Save Changes button
  7. It might take time before the technique begins working(might take up to 24hours).

4. How to Get a free email domain is easy with Bluehost.


  • Have a hosting plan with Bluehost


  • Bluehost offers a free email domain with all their hosting packages, so you can get your own [email protected] email address. This is great for many reasons:
  • You’ll have an easy-to-remember address that won’t change if you switch hosting providers or even move to a different email service provider.
  • You can manage all of your emails from one place—your inbox—instead of having to go between separate apps and accounts.
  • You can integrate your domain into any website, blog, or social media profile that needs an email address attached to it.


  • Some hosting fees required


  • First, you’ll need to purchase a hosting plan from Bluehost. You can find the plans here: Once you’ve completed your purchase, you’ll receive an email from Bluehost with the details of your account and login information.
  • Next, log into your Bluehost account and click on the “Domains” tab. Select “Add Domain”. You’ll be asked to enter your domain name and select whether or not you want it to be pointed to an existing website (or not). Then just select “Domain Options” and choose “Free Email Forwarding”.
  • Your free email domain will be available immediately!

5. How to get A Custom Email Domain Using DreamHost

DreamHost is a web hosting service that offers website and email hosting. You can use DreamHost to create a custom email domain and get a free custom email address with as little as one click.


  • Be a registered DreamHost customer
  • Have an active DreamHost account
  • Be able to add a domain to your account
  • Choose a domain from the list of available domains on our site

Benefits of Usig DreamHost

  • You can create a professional and memorable email address that you own, like [email protected] or [email protected].
  • Having your own domain name makes it easier for people to find you online.
  • It makes it easier for you to get more traffic from search engines, because they can associate your website with the content of your emails (if you use an email marketing service).
  • You won’t have to worry about your domain expiring if you change hosting companies.


First, log into your DreamHost account and visit the email management page. Then click “Get Your Own Domain”.

Here you will find a list of available domains that can be used for your DreamHost account. If there are no domains available, you can request a new one by clicking “Request New Domain”. Note that if you request a new domain, it may take up to 72 hours for it to become active on your account.

If there are any domains listed in the drop-down menu that you would like to use for your account, select them and click “Add Selected Domains” at the bottom of the page. You can add more than one domain at once if desired.

Next enter an email address for each domain you want to use with your DreamHost account; this will be used as your username when logging into your account later on so make sure it’s one that makes sense! Once again note that if you request a new email address, it may take up to 72 hours before it becomes active.

Why Use a Custom Email Domain

1. You can personalize your email

The first and most obvious benefit of using your own custom email domain is that you can personalize your email address. This is helpful if you have a nickname, or want to use a domain name that already belongs to you. You’re not limited by the generic TEN.COM or GMAIL.COM domains—you can use whatever domains are available from any registrar.

2. It increases authority

  • It shows you are an authority in your field.
  • It shows you are a professional.
  • It shows you are a leader.
  • It shows you are a thought leader.
  • It shows you are a decision maker.

And most importantly, it increases your credibility as an expert in your industry and as someone who can be trusted to provide quality content on any topic related to that industry or niche

3. It displays professionalism

It looks more professional. By having a custom email address, you’re signaling to your audience that you take yourself seriously and want to be taken seriously by them. A branded domain can help you stand out from competitors, too—and if your business is new, it might even feel like a fresh start for everyone involved!

It helps build trust and credibility with your users. When an email comes from a personal-sounding custom domain (instead of an @gmail or @yahoo), it feels more personalized and sincere—which can help build trust between you and the reader in addition to making sure they know who they’re reading from without any doubt whatsoever.

You can use it as part of your brand strategy–it’s not just about getting their contact information anymore!

4. It makes it easier for people to remember you

You might think that if you have a custom email domain, it would be more difficult for customers to remember your website. In reality, it’s the opposite.

Custom domain names are much easier for people to remember than phone numbers because numbers are meant to be used by machines (like computers) and not people. For example, “[email protected]” is much easier for customers to remember than a random string of digits like “(678) 555-1212.” This is why people prefer going online instead of calling customer service departments when they want information about products or services: no matter what company you’re dealing with, their phone number will always look similar—and it will probably be hard for you to figure out which number goes with which business!

5. It looks more professional

A custom email domain is more professional than a free email address. It’s simple: “custom” means that you’re paying for your own domain, rather than using one given to you by an email provider. And when people send messages to their friends and colleagues on Gmail or Hotmail or Outlook, they’re not thinking about how their recipient’s inbox was set up or where its information comes from. They just write an email and hit “send,” because those services are ubiquitous and familiar.

FAQ on the Use of Custom Domains

Q: How can I get a free email domain?

A: There are a few ways that you can get a free email domain. One way is to use a service like, which offers free custom domains for its users. Another way is to use a service like Zoho, which allows you to forward your existing domain to their servers for free. Finally, you can use a service like Namecheap to forward to your desired Gmail, Yahoo etc address for free.

Q: What are the benefits of using a custom domain for my email?

A: Using a custom domain for your email has a few benefits. First, it helps to brand your business and build trust with your customers. Second, it makes it easier for people to remember your email address. Finally, using a custom domain can help you avoid spam filters and ensure that your emails are delivered to your recipients.

Q: Are there any downsides to using a custom domain for my email?

A: The only downside of using a custom domain for your email is that you will need to set up DNS records in order to use it (in some cases). This can be a bit technical, but there are plenty of resources available online to help you get started.

Q: I don’t have a domain name. Can I still get a free email address?

A: Yes! will help you get a professional domain name from about 200 professional templates at no cost. You can even forward your new domain to an existing email account, like Gmail or Yahoo.

Q: I have a domain name, but I’m not using it for email. Can I still get a free email address?

A: Yes! If you have a domain name that you’re not using for email, you can easily forward it to and start using it for your email. There’s no need to change any DNS records or configure anything – simply add the desired address in the “Forwarding” section of your control panel and you’re all set!

Q: What is the difference between a free email domain and a custom email domain?

A: A free email domain is a domain that is provided by a service like at no cost. A custom email domain is a domain that you own and can use for any purpose, including email. In most cases, you will need to pay an annual fee to register a custom domain.

Q: Can I get a free email address with my own domain name?

A: Yes! If you own the domain name.